Podcasts were recorded - and along with the PowerPoint Presentations - are made available for individuals interested in Fly Ash topics.
WOCA 2013 Conference
- Bruce Watzman - The Future of Coal
- Bio of Bruce Watzman
- Plenary PPT in PDF format
- Plenary Podcast in MP3 format
- Plenary Podcast in WAV format - better quality; larger file size
- Craig Heidrich - Coal Combustion Products: Global Perspective
- Bio of Craig Heidrich
- Plenary PPT in PDF format
- Plenary Podcast in MP3 format
- Plenary Podcast in WAV format - better quality; larger file size
- Note: First 8 minutes of Craig Heidrich recording is a bit faint; at the 8 minute mark, the sound is very good.
- Suggest that you right click on the mp3 or wav file to download to your computer and play it in your favorite audio player.
WOCA 2011 Conference
- Lisa Bradley - Is Coal Ash Toxic?
- Plenary PPT in PDF format
- Plenary Podcast in MP3 format
- Anne Weir - World Customs Organization's Harmonized System can put Coal Ash in a Class of its Own
- Plenary PPT in PDF format
- Plenary Podcast in MP3 format
- Plenary Paper in PDF format
WOCA 2007 Conference
- Catherine Vial - Advancing U.S. Industrial Competitiveness
- Maria Parisi Vickers - C2P2, A Growing Partnership: Its Successes and the Path Forward
- John Roebel - Changing Minds, Changing Habits