The papers on this website can be downloaded, printed, and/or cited. However, the University of Kentucky maintains a single use license from our authors. The author(s) maintain copyright ownership. Posting these papers on other websites or republishing them in other media violates the rights of both the authors and the University of Kentucky.
Author Copyright
Authors retain copyright to the papers. Their appearance in the Ash Library constitutes a single use license.
Suggested Paper Citation Example
Jewell, R., Rathbone, R., Robl, T. "The Fabrication of Value Added Cement Products from Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion Ash." World of Coal Ash Conference, Covington, KY, May 7-10, 2007, Ash Library -
2011 - 2013 WOCA Papers
- ALL WOCA 2011 - 2013 Proceedings Papers were made available from the Ash Library - ( Authors granted permission to have the paper listed on the Ash Library by the submission of their paper to the 2011 conference.
2009 WOCA Papers
- Change for 2009 Conference Papers:
In addition to the traditional Proceedings Volume in CD format, ALL 2009 WOCA Proceedings Papers were made available from the Ash Library - ( Authors granted permission to have the paper listed on the Ash Library by the submission of their paper to the 2009 conference.
1999 - 2007 Papers
- Permission was required from the author before the paper was added to the Ash Library for papers from the 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2007 IAUS and WOCA conferences. Approximately 50% of the authors granted permission for their proceedings paper to appear on this site.
PDF Security
- Papers in the Ash Library are in Acrobat .pdf format with security. Altering or copying from the papers is prevented by that security. Papers can be printed, downloaded, and/or cited. If downloaded, the security restrictions go with the download, as they are a part of the file. (Please note that, while the technology is quite reliable, there is no security that can not be disengaged by a person with enough programming knowledge.)
The papers at this website were presented at the 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007 and 2005 World of Coal Ash conferences and at the 2003, 2001, and 1999 International Ash Utilization Symposia. They are the papers for which authors have given permission for placement on this website. Hence, some presentations are not represented by a paper in this Ash Library.
For any questions, please contact:
Dr. Tom Robl
Associate Director, University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Email and Contact Information
- Flyash Library Founder
- IAUS Conference Organizing Chair
- WOCA Conference Co-Chair
Ms. Alice Marksberry
Web Coordinator, University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Email and Contact Information
- Flyash Library Webmaster
- IAUS Conference Webmaster
- WOCA Conference Webmaster and Submission Coordinator