World of Coal Ash -- April 22-25, 2013

Sessions and Abstracts

Lexington, Kentucky

Please note: This agenda is subject to change, and may change often, as the need arises.


The Science of Ash Utilization - A Short Course:   April 22, 2013
8:00 AM -8:30 AM Breakfast/Coffee
8:30 AM -12:00 PM Instruction
12:00 PM -1:00 PM Lunch provided
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Instruction

Abstracts are in .pdf format - must be viewed with Acrobat Reader

Tuesday, 23 April Concurrent Session 1
Tuesday08:00Welcoming Remarks
Tuesday10:00Coffee Break
Ponds IModerator(s):
Tarunjit Butalia/The Ohio State University
Tuesday10:30Ponds IMonitored Preload Fill Over an Inactive Fly Ash ReservoirMohammad Ajlouni
Gary Zych
Tuesday11:00Ponds ITo Be Arranged
Tuesday11:30Ponds IGeotechnical Properties of Ponded Fly Ash and the Potential for Static LiquefactionRobert Bachus
Pedro Amaya
J. Santamarina
Kenneth Ladwig
Thomas Webb
Tuesday12:00Sponsored Lunch
Tuesday12:30Sponsored Lunch
Ponds IIModerator(s):
Lisa Cooper/PMI Ash Technologies, LLC
Tuesday13:00Ponds IILaboratory Testing of Woven and Non-Woven Geocomposites for Use in CCB Landfill Drainage SystemsWilliam Wolfe
Tarunjit Butalia
Tuesday13:30Ponds IIAn Innovative Composite Liner System for Coal Combustion Residual Containment ProjectsEd Zimmel
Jimmy Youngblood
Dhani Narejo
Tuesday14:00Ponds IIGeosynthetics for the Management, Containment and Closure of Coal Combustion Residual Disposal FacilitiesErnest Heins
Tuesday14:30Ponds IIBuilding a New Ash Repository over a Former Coal MineStephen Whiteside
Steve Marshall
Simon Witney
Dave Murray
Michelle Cooke
Tuesday15:00Coffee Break

Tuesday, 23 April Concurrent Session 2
Tuesday08:00Welcoming Remarks
Tuesday10:00Coffee Break
Cement & Concrete IModerator(s):
Robert Jewell/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Tuesday10:30Cement & Concrete IConstituent Leaching from Concrete and Microconcrete Containing Coal Fly AshAndrew Garrabrants
David Kosson
Kenneth Ladwig
Susan Thorneloe
Tuesday11:00Cement & Concrete IMicromechanics and Complementary Energy of Fibers Embedded in a Low-Energy CSA Cement MatrixRobert Jewell
Tuesday11:30Cement & Concrete IThe Characteristics of Ponded Fly Ash and their Use in Construction: Examples from the UK and USA
Tuesday12:00Sponsored Lunch
Tuesday12:30Sponsored Lunch
Cement & Concrete IIModerator(s):
Robert Rathbone/Boral Industries Inc.
Tuesday13:00Cement & Concrete IIExamination of Precursors in Fly Ash for Development of an Engineered Geopolymer ConcreteFernando Soto
Milap Dhakal
Kunal Kupwade-Patil
Daniela Mainardi
Erez Allouche
Tuesday13:30Cement & Concrete IIAn Innovative Approach for Mercury CaptureChristopher Poling
Thomas Lesniak
Melissa Harrison
Tuesday14:00Cement & Concrete IITo Be Arranged
Tuesday14:30Cement & Concrete IIFly Ash Separation Technology and its Potential ApplicationsYang Dong
Jinder Jow
Shih-Yaw Lai
Jianhui Su
Tuesday15:00Coffee Break

Tuesday, 23 April Concurrent Session 3
Tuesday08:00Welcoming Remarks
Tuesday10:00Coffee Break
Agriculture IModerator(s):
Wayne Truter/University of Pretoria
Tuesday10:30Agriculture IEffects of Flue Gas Desulfurization Products as Soil Amendments to Improve Water QualityLiming Chen
Tara Toai
Warren Dick
Tuesday11:00Agriculture IThe use of class F fly ash in reclaiming the agricultural potential of surface coal mine cover soilsWayne Truter
Leushantha Mudaly
Du Toit Wilken
Richard Kruger
Tuesday11:30Agriculture ICalcium silicate by-product utilization in turfgrass systemsDerek Pruyne
Maxim Schlossberg
Tuesday12:00Sponsored Lunch
Tuesday12:30Sponsored Lunch
Regulations IModerator(s):
John Ward/John Ward Inc.
Tuesday13:00Regulations IUpdated Canadian CCP Use Statistics Reveal Evolution of Coal Ash Industry in CanadaAnne Weir
Tuesday13:30Regulations IEuropean Product Standards - Update on status and changes with relevance to CCPsFernando Caldas-Vieira
Hans-Joachim Feuerborn
Angelo Saraber
Tuesday14:00Regulations ICCR Management Audits: Preparing for the Future ProactivelyJason Pokorny
Steven Putrich
Tuesday14:30Regulations ICCPs in a New Regulatory EraThomas Adams
Tuesday15:00Coffee Break

Tuesday, 23 April Concurrent Session 4
Tuesday08:00Welcoming Remarks
Tuesday10:00Coffee Break
FGD IModerator(s):
Oriol Font/CSIC (Spanish Research Council)
Tuesday10:30FGD IRemoval of Selenium from FGD water streams by a nonconventional adsorbent by-productPatricia Cordoba
Maria Gonzalez
Aixa Gonzalez
Natalia Moreno
Carlos Ayora
Noelia Sepulveda
Rodrigo Navia
Xavier Querol
Tuesday11:00FGD IThe Growth of Dry Sorbent Injection (DSI) and The Impacts on Coal Combustion ResidueMichael Schantz
Melissa Sewell
Tuesday11:30FGD IDry FGD By-Product Characteristics and Utilization - International PerspectiveMilton Wu
Yabing Jiang
Qingfa Su-x
Thomas Robl
Robert Jewell
Tarunjit Butalia
Wen Zhang
William Wolfe
Tuesday12:00Sponsored Lunch
Tuesday12:30Sponsored Lunch
Utilization IModerator(s):
Milton Wu/Longing Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.
Tuesday13:00Utilization IDevelopment of Dry FGD By-Product Utilization as Building Materials in ChinaQingfa Su-x
Yabing Jiang
Maoyuan Lu
Yongrui Chen
Milton Wu
Tuesday13:30Utilization IAn Innovative Design for Coal Ash Impoundment Capping and Closures with Significant Cost, Performance and Environmental Co-Benefits - The Exposed Geomembrane Solar CapMark Roberts
Christopher Hardin
Tuesday14:00Utilization IThe Morgantown STAR Project: A Fly Ash Beneficial Reuse Case StudyBrandie Sebastian
Robin Lee
Robert Sawyer
Shawn Seaman
Tuesday14:30Utilization ICoal Ash as a Potential Scrubber for Quarry Sludge and Trace ElementsRoy Lieberman
Yaakov Anker
Haim Cohen
Tuesday15:00Coffee Break

Tuesday, 23 April Concurrent Session 5
Tuesday08:00Welcoming Remarks
Tuesday10:00Coffee Break
Chemistry I - LanthandiesModerator(s):
James Hower/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Tuesday10:30Chemistry I - LanthandiesEnvironmental Review of Coal Ash as a Resource for Rare Earth and Strategic ElementsDavid Mayfield
Ari Lewis
Tuesday11:00Chemistry I - LanthandiesLanthanides in coal combustion fly ashJames Hower
Shifeng Dai
Vladimir Seredin
Irena Kostova
Luis Silva
Tuesday11:30Chemistry I - LanthandiesA Low-cost Rare Earth Elements Recovery TechnologyPrakash Joshi
Dorin Preda
Tuesday12:00Sponsored Lunch
Tuesday12:30Sponsored Lunch
Chemistry IIModerator(s):
James Hower/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Tuesday13:00Chemistry IITransformations of mercury, arsenic, and selenium in river sediments contaminated with coal ash: Sediment microcosm studiesGrace Schwartz
Heileen Hsu-Kim
Tuesday13:30Chemistry IIReduction of Nickel Leachability from IGCC SlagOriol Font
Xavier Querol
Pilar Coca
Alejandro Munoz
Francisco Garcia-Peña
Tuesday14:00Chemistry IITo Be Arranged
Tuesday14:30Chemistry IITo Be Arranged
Tuesday15:00Coffee Break

Wednesday, 24 April Concurrent Session 1
Kingston I - Ecological InvestigationsModerator(s):
Kenneth Ladwig/Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Wednesday08:00Kingston I - Ecological InvestigationsLong-term Sediment Toxicity BioassaysRick Sherrard
Wednesday08:30Kingston I - Ecological InvestigationsEffects of the Kingston Ash Release on Fish Reproduction and Larval FishMark Greeley
S. Adams
Tyler Baker
Logan Elmore
Allison Fortner
Teresa Mathews
Mary (Kitty) McCracken
Rick Sherrard
Wednesday09:00Kingston I - Ecological InvestigationsEffects of the Kingston Ash Release on Fish and Benthic Invertebrate AssemblagesTyler Baker
Kurt Lakin
John Smith
Wednesday09:30Kingston I - Ecological InvestigationsReproduction in Aquatic and Terrestrial Wildlife Following Remediation of the TVA Coal Ash Spill in Kingston, TNMichelle Beck
David Steen
James Van Dyke
William Hopkins
Wednesday10:00Coffee Break
Ponds IIIModerator(s):
Grace Schwartz/Duke University
Wednesday10:30Ponds IIIInstrumentation and Monitoring Program TVA Coal Combustion By-Product Storage FacilitiesHugo Aparicio
Will Mattingly
Jennifer McCosby
Rachel Combs
Gabriel Lang
Wednesday11:00Ponds IIIPreparing for Closure of the John Sevier Fossil Plant: Re-routing of the Bottom Ash Pond Outfall Driven by NPDES RequirementsApril Vance
Shannon Bennett
Joshua Kopp
Wednesday11:30Ponds IIIProject Considerations for New Coal Ash LandfillsM. Rome
Mohamad Al-Hawaree
Wednesday12:00Lunch - on your own
Wednesday12:30Lunch - on your own
Kingston II - Results in CERCLA and NRDA ProcessesModerator(s):
James Hower/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Wednesday13:00Kingston II - Results in CERCLA and NRDA ProcessesHuman and Ecological Risk Characterization for the River System at the TVA Kingston Ash Recovery ProjectDaniel Jones
Mark Stack
Suzy Young
Neil Carriker
Wednesday13:30Kingston II - Results in CERCLA and NRDA ProcessesEvaluation of Remediation Alternatives and Selected Remedial ActionsCraig Zeller
Wednesday14:00Kingston II - Results in CERCLA and NRDA ProcessesDevelopment of a Long-Term Monitoring Plan for the Kingston Ash SpillNeil Carriker
Wednesday14:30Kingston II - Results in CERCLA and NRDA ProcessesPANEL DISCUSSION
Wednesday15:00Coffee Break
Ponds IVModerator(s):
Kenneth Tapp/LG&E/KU Energy
Wednesday15:30Ponds IVPerformance Based QC/QA Specifications for TVA’s CCP Stacking Facilities: Part I. Evaluation of Performance RequirementsBarry Christopher
David White
Roberto Sanchez
Wednesday16:00Ponds IVPerformance Based QC/QA Specifications for TVA’s CCP Stacking Facilities: Part II. Proposed SpecificationsDavid White
Barry Christopher
Roberto Sanchez
Wednesday16:30Ponds IVChallenges of Closing Large Fly Ash PondsJohn Seymour
Steve Macrowski
Pedro Amaya

Wednesday, 24 April Concurrent Session 2
Cement & Concrete IIIModerator(s):
M. Jones/University of Dundee
Wednesday08:00Cement & Concrete IIIEffect of Accerlerated Sulfate Attack in Geopolymer ConcreteKunal Kupwade-Patil
Erez Allouche
Courtney Watts
Shathabish NaraseGowda
Wednesday08:30Cement & Concrete IIIEvaluating Test Methods for Rapidly Assessing Fly Ash Reactivity for Use in ConcreteMichael McCarthy
G. Islam
Lazslo Csetenyi
M. Jones
Wednesday09:00Cement & Concrete IIIQuality Control Tools to Identify Source Variability of Class C Fly ash and Its Impact on Freshly Mixed Cement-Fly Ash PasteTyson Rupnow
Wednesday09:30Cement & Concrete IIITo Be Arranged
Wednesday10:00Coffee Break
Liquefaction IModerator(s):
Tarunjit Butalia/The Ohio State University
Wednesday10:30Liquefaction IEstablishing Liquefaction Characteristics of Ponded Coal Combustion ResiduesNathan Yencho
Brian Dudley
Pedro Amaya
William Wolfe
Tarunjit Butalia
Wednesday11:00Liquefaction ICyclic Triaxial Testing of Water-Pluviated Fly Ash SpecimensJeffrey Dingrando
Michael Kalinski
Ali Salehian
Behrad Zand
Wednesday11:30Liquefaction IUse of Instrumented Test Fill to Assess Static Liquefaction of Impounded Fly AshOmer Bozok
Paul Sabatini
Pedro Amaya
Wednesday12:00Lunch - on your own
Wednesday12:30Lunch - on your own
Cement & Concrete IVModerator(s):
Anne Oberlink/University of Kentucky- CAER
Wednesday13:00Cement & Concrete IVEffects of Mixing and Transportation on Characteristics of Comentitious Systems Containing Fly AshLapyote Prasittisopin
David Trejo
Wednesday13:30Cement & Concrete IVStudy of Leachates from Fly Ash-Stabilized Pit WastesMonte Ellis
Jane Thomas
Wednesday14:00Cement & Concrete IVLeaching Comparison of Natural and Coal-Derived Lightweight Aggregates used for Concrete Masonry UnitsJohn Groppo
Kevin Henke
Wednesday14:30Cement & Concrete IVTo Be Arranged
Wednesday15:00Coffee Break
Liquefaction IIModerator(s):
Tarunjit Butalia/The Ohio State University
Wednesday15:30Liquefaction IIDynamic Geotechnical Laboratory Testing of Coal Combustion ProductsKevin Foster
Adrian Rodriguez-Marek
Russel Green
Roberto Sanchez
Wednesday16:00Liquefaction IITo Be Arranged
Wednesday16:30Liquefaction IIEvaluation of Liquefaction Potential at Fly Ash Storage ReservoirsPedro Amaya
Behrad Zand
Don Fuller
Jeffrey Dingrando
Vik Gautam
Thomas Kovacic
Paul Sabatini
Rodolfo Sancio
Nick Perrotta
Christopher Hardin

Wednesday, 24 April Concurrent Session 3
Regulations IIModerator(s):
Steven Putrich/Haley & Aldrich, Inc
Wednesday08:00Regulations IIThe Social Media Battleground: How Public Perception, Science Communication, Media Coverage, and Politics Are Shaped by Social MediaDawn Santoianni
Wednesday08:30Regulations IINew Developments in CCR Pond Closure Technologies: The End of an Era and a New ParadigmSteven Putrich
Wednesday09:00Regulations IIImpact of Political Decisions on Production and Use of Coal Combustion Products in EuropeFernando Caldas-Vieira
Hans-Joachim Feuerborn
Wednesday09:30Regulations IITo Be Arranged
Wednesday10:00Coffee Break
Ponds & Landfills IModerator(s):
Christopher Hardin/UNC Charlotte
Wednesday10:30Ponds & Landfills IStrategic Planning for Siting Coal Combustion Residual Disposal FacilitiesMarvin Adkins
M. Rome
Wednesday11:00Ponds & Landfills IConsiderations in the Development of a Coal Combustion Products LandfillKenton Yang
John Reichling
Peter Chenevey
Wednesday11:30Ponds & Landfills IChallenges Associated with Operating Ash Ponds while Preparing for Closure – A Case History of TVA’s Widows Creek Fossil Plant Ash Pond ComplexJames Mullins
Jay Mokotoff
James Heyerly
Wednesday12:00Lunch - on your own
Wednesday12:30Lunch - on your own
Regulations IIIModerator(s):
Grigorios Itskos/Ctr. for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH/CPERI) Chemical Process and Energy Resources Institute
Wednesday13:00Regulations IIIJob Impacts in the Coal Industry: What Can We Expect from the Natural Gas Boom and Environmental Regulations?Dawn Santoianni
Wednesday13:30Regulations IIIRegulatory and Legal Applications: Fly Ash Use in Cement and Cementitious ProductsSteven Moon
Wednesday14:00Regulations IIIStigma and Regulatory Uncertainty: Proposed Coal Ash Disposal Regulation Effects on U.S. Beneficial Use Markets and PracticesJohn Ward
Wednesday14:30Regulations IIIGreatest Challenges for CCP Management and What To Do About EachMark Rokoff
James Heyerly
James Moseley
Wednesday15:00Coffee Break
Ponds & Landfills IIModerator(s):
Mark Rokoff/AECOM
Wednesday15:30Ponds & Landfills IICharacterization and Estimation of Settlement of In-Place Sluiced CCP Materials Under Monotonic LoadingJason Reeves
Michael Rowland
Wednesday16:00Ponds & Landfills IIImproving Risk Assessments for Coal Combustion Residual Impoundment Dikles and DamsJohn Menninger
Nathan Beach
Daniel Hoffman
Michael Turnbow
Wednesday16:30Ponds & Landfills IIConsiderations for Treating Landfill and Impoundment Leachate with Impacts from Planned Effluent GuidelinesLarry Linguist
Michael Cook
Mark Rokoff

Wednesday, 24 April Concurrent Session 4
Carbon IModerator(s):
James Bittner/Separation Technologies LLC
Wednesday08:00Carbon IOn-Line Carbon in Ash System at PPL Montour for Increasing Ash SalesTodd Melick
Lawrence LaBuz
Matthew Paisley
Wednesday08:30Carbon IBASF Mercury Sorbent HX™William Hizny
Fabien Rioult
Xiaolin Yang
Wednesday09:00Carbon IPost-combustion of carbon residues from biomass / RDF co-firing during dry ash removalFulvio Bassetti
Daniele Coppola
Daniele Ricci
Osvalda Senneca
Wednesday09:30Carbon IChemical Composition Determination and Thermal Analysis for Some Typical Biomass Ashes in ChinaWenlong Wang
Xin Liu
Yanli Zheng
Peng Wang
Yang Dong
Chunyuan Ma
Wednesday10:00Coffee Break
Environmental IModerator(s):
John Glasscock/Synthetic Materials LLC
Wednesday10:30Environmental IMine wastewater treatment by highly calcareous and siliceous fly ash: a comparative studyDimitrios Alexopoulos
Grigorios Itskos
Charalampos Vasilatos
Nikolaos Koukouzas
Michael Stamatakis
Wednesday11:00Environmental IGroundwater Evaluation for Ash Ponds at a Coal Fired Power Plant in TexasCatriona Smith
Kevin Pasternak
James Crysup
Wednesday11:30Environmental IPorewater Studies Subsequent to the Kingston Ash EventWilliam Rogers
Neil Carriker
Rock Vitale
Jennifer Gable
Erin Rodgers
Joseph Kraycik
Wednesday12:00Lunch - on your own
Wednesday12:30Lunch - on your own
Environmental IIModerator(s):
Christopher Hardin/UNC Charlotte
Wednesday13:00Environmental IIIn Situ Stabilization/Solidification (ISS) in the Power Industry and Applications for Coal Combustion Products (CCP)Christopher Robb
Roy Wittenberg
Glenn Luke
Wednesday13:30Environmental IIDust Suppression In Coal Ash ApplicationsAaron Valencic
Wednesday14:00Environmental IIResults of a Feasibility and Preliminary Engineering Study for a System to Process and Stabilize Scrubber Waste from the APS Four Corners Unit 4 and 5 FGD SystemsGordon Maller
Wednesday14:30Environmental IICCP Landfill Leachate Generation and Leachate ManagementImmanuel Baucom
Cedric Ruhl
Wednesday15:00Coffee Break
Environmental IIIModerator(s):
Neil Carriker/Tennessee Valley Authority Kingston Ash Recovery Project
Wednesday15:30Environmental IIIRecommended Guidelines for the Use and Application of the Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework (LEAF) for Coal Combustion ResidualsJohn Daniel
Christopher Hardin
Jenet Hattaway
Wednesday16:00Environmental IIISteam Electric Power Generating Facilities: Meeting Future Wastewater Treatment RequirementsBernardino Nanni
Justin Bolender
Spencer Whittier
Wednesday16:30Environmental IIIStoring Fly Ash in A Concrete Dome: A Case StudyBenjamin Davis
William Fedorka
Timothy English
Mike Hunter

Wednesday, 24 April Concurrent Session 5
Chemistry IIIModerator(s):
Kevin Henke/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Wednesday08:00Chemistry IIIWeathering and Leaching Characteristics of a Fixated Scrubber Sludge Cap at an Abandoned Mine Site in Pike County, IndianaLuke Martin
Tracy Branam
Shawn Naylor
Greg Olyphant
Wednesday08:30Chemistry IIIMorphology Changes in Bituminous Coal Fly Ash via Aqueous Solution Treatment (Acidic and Neutral)Roy Lieberman
Oriol Font
Xavier Querol
Haim Cohen
Wednesday09:00Chemistry IIIUsing Regenerative Ammonium salts to extract and purify Magnesium Oxide from Victorian brown coal fly ashSeyyedeh Hosseini
Lian Zhang
Yi Eng
Wednesday09:30Chemistry IIITo Be Arranged
Wednesday10:00Coffee Break
Chemistry IV - ToxicityModerator(s):
Lisa Bradley/Haley & Aldrich
Wednesday10:30Chemistry IV - ToxicityEcological Effects of Coal Combustion Products (CCPs): A Literature Review of Observed Effects and Considerations for Managing RisksDavid Mayfield
Sagar Thakali
W. Mehler
Ari Lewis
Wednesday11:00Chemistry IV - ToxicityCoal Ash Material Safety - A Health Risk-Based Evaluation of USGS Coal Ash Data from Five US Power PlantsLisa Bradley
Wednesday11:30Chemistry IV - ToxicityDesignation of Pulverised Fuel Ash and Furnace Bottom Ash as Wastes in the United KingdomRobert Carroll
Wednesday12:00Lunch - on your own
Wednesday12:30Lunch - on your own
Chemistry VModerator(s):
Oriol Font/CSIC (Spanish Research Council)
Wednesday13:00Chemistry VSpatial and Temporal Variations of Groundwater Chemistry Before and During Coal Mine Reclamation Using Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) MaterialsChin-Min Cheng
Robert Baker
Tarunjit Butalia
Harold Walker
J. Massey-Norton
William Wolfe
Wednesday13:30Chemistry VManaging Geochemistry of Multiple Coal Ash Metals of Potential Concern – The New Regulatory Context and Its Practical Implications for New and Existing FacilitiesJeff Gillow
Chris Lutes
Dave Liles
Peter Kariher
Mike Hay
Wednesday14:00Chemistry VLow temperature plasma ashing of coal for quantitative mineral analysisJames Bond
Louis Giroux
Wednesday14:30Chemistry VTo Be Arranged
Wednesday15:00Coffee Break
Chemistry VIModerator(s):
Kevin Henke/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Wednesday15:30Chemistry VIThe Agglomeration and Collection of Precharged PM1 in Typical ESPPeng Wang
Zhongyang Luo
Yang Dong
Lin Cui
Wednesday16:00Chemistry VISurvival Guide for the New Steam Electric Generating Effluent GuidelinesIvan Cooper
Wednesday16:30Chemistry VICurrent Status and Prospect of Fl Ash Utilization in ChinaJian Ding
Shu-Hua Ma
Shili Zheng
Yi Zhang
Zhenhua Tang

Thursday, 25 April Concurrent Session 1
Ponds VModerator(s):
Richard Kruger/Richonne Consulting
Thursday08:00Ponds VUtilizing Cut-Off Walls for Groundwater Remediation Issues associated with Coal Ash LandfillsM. Rome
Mohamad Al-Hawaree
Thursday08:30Ponds VUse of Bottom Ash in the Reinforced Zone of a Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall for the Vertical Expansion of a Sluiced CCR Pond at the Trimble County Generating StationNicholas Schmitt
Brian Cole
Thursday09:00Ponds VFilter and Drainage Systems at CCR Disposal Facilities - State of PracticeSarah Fick
Cuneyt Gokmen
Mehmet Iscimen
Neil Davies
Thursday09:30Ponds VUse of Calcium Based Products to Stabilize Ponded Coal Combustion Products - Techniques and ResultsEric Berger
Howard Fitzgerald
Thursday10:00Coffee Break
Ponds VIModerator(s):
James Hower/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Thursday10:30Ponds VIDry Fly Ash Placement - Overcoming Unique Challenges and Streamlining Field OperationsAli Ebrahimi
Sarah Fick
Cuneyt Gokmen
Mehmet Iscimen
Thursday11:00Ponds VICCP Landfill and Dry Stack Operational Challenges and the Engineering Solutions that WorkR. Shane Harris
Michael Stepic
Ronald Hager
Nicholas Golden
Thursday11:30Ponds VIEvaluation of Drainage Layer Alternatives for Proposed Landfill Liner at the EW Brown Generating StationBrian Cole
Nicholas Schmitt

Thursday, 25 April Concurrent Session 2
Cement & Concrete VModerator(s):
Michael McCarthy/University of Dundee
Thursday08:00Cement & Concrete VDesign, Fabrication and Testing of a Full-Scale Geopolymer Concrete Median BarrierMilap Dhakal
Mir Al-Masud
Shaurav Alam
Carlos Montes
Kunal Kupwade-Patil
Erez Allouche
Aziz Saber
Thursday08:30Cement & Concrete VFly Ash - Calcium Sulfoaluminate Blended Cement and its Application in Ultra-Low Density Foamed ConcreteM. Jones
Kezban Ozlutas
Anthoula Ouzounidou
Robert Rathbone
Thursday09:00Cement & Concrete VInfluence of Coal Fly Ash on Mechanical Properties of Mortar Consisting of Total Dissolved SolidsBijoy Halder
Vivek Tandon
Anthony Tarquin
Ramana Chintalapalle
Thursday09:30Cement & Concrete VTo Be Arranged
Thursday10:00Coffee Break
Cement & Concrete VIModerator(s):
Anne Oberlink/University of Kentucky- CAER
Thursday10:30Cement & Concrete VIStatistical Software to improve the accuracy of geopolymer concrete mix design and proportioningCarlos Montes
Sergio Gomez
Niraj Khadka
Erez Allouche
Thursday11:00Cement & Concrete VIA Summary of Proposed Changes to AASHTO M 295 Resulting from NCHRP Project 18-13 - Specifications and Protocols for Acceptance Tests of Fly Ash Used in Highway ConcreteLawrence Sutter
R. Hooton
Scott Schlorholtz
Thursday11:30Cement & Concrete VIApplication of Fly Ash in ASHphalt Concrete: from Challenges to OpportunitiesKonstantin Sobolev
Ismael Flores
Justin Bohler
Ahmed Faheem
Art Covi

Thursday, 25 April Concurrent Session 3
Utilization IIModerator(s):
Irina Putilova/Moscow Power Engineering Institute Technical University
Thursday08:00Utilization IIManufacturing of Fire-Resistant Panels Using FGD Gypsum and Fly Ash from Power Plants in Xinjiang, Northwest ChinaJing Li
Xinguo Zhuang
Xavier Querol
Carlos Leiva
Oriol Font
Yunlong He
Thursday08:30Utilization IITo Be Arranged
Thursday09:00Utilization IILaboratory and Pilot-Scale Field Testing of CCB Flowable Grout for Mining of CoalJames Kirch
Tarunjit Butalia
William Wolfe
Thursday09:30Utilization IIElectronic Information Systems of the Open Access for Effective Solution of both Environmental and Coal Ash Utilization IssuesViacheslav Putilov
Irina Putilova
E. Malikova
Thursday10:00Coffee Break
Utilization IIIModerator(s):
Craig Heidrich/Ash Development Assoc. of Australia
Thursday10:30Utilization IIIBenchmarking Study for CCP Beneficial Reuse: A View of the MarketMark Rokoff
Sheryl Smith
Tara Masterson
Michael Sutton
Thursday11:00Utilization IIIRegulatory implications low pH coal combustion products Australian perspectiveJane Aiken
Craig Heidrich
Thursday11:30Utilization IIITo Be Arranged

Thursday, 25 April Concurrent Session 4
Pond ClosureModerator(s):
Steven Putrich/Haley & Aldrich, Inc
Thursday08:00Pond ClosureAsh Pond Decommissioning Strategies: Case Study for a Midwest Coal-Fired UtilityTodd McDaniels
Steven Putrich
Thursday08:30Pond ClosureEvaluation of the Settlement Behavior of Flyash for Ash Basin Closure ProjectsChristopher Hardin
Behrad Zand
Pedro Amaya
Roger Falmezger
Scott Heisey
Thursday09:00Pond ClosureClosure of the Failed Ash Dredge Cell at Kingston – The Engineering ChallengeVernon Dotson
Darrell Herron
Alan Rauch
Michael Steele
Thursday09:30Pond Closure100-m Hurdles: Overcoming Challenges on a Fast-Track Ash Pond Conversion and Closure Project for TVA to Meet Regulatory DeadlinesStephen Whiteside
James Mullins
Megan Hayward
Dave Mason
Thursday10:00Coffee Break
Pond LinersModerator(s):
Shane Womack/HDR Engineering, Inc.
Thursday10:30Pond LinersThe Rising Demand for Lined Landfills: Impacts to Both the Power and Solid Waste Industries from Increased Coal Combustion Product LandfillingShane Womack
Thursday11:00Pond LinersApplying Geosynthetics (with Capabilities of Monitoring Stability and Leakage) to Earthen StructuresWilson Harvie
Rex Peppler
Thursday11:30Pond LinersTo Be Arranged

Thursday, 25 April Concurrent Session 5
Beneficiation IModerator(s):
John Groppo/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Thursday08:00Beneficiation ISeparation Technologies' Automated Fly Ash Beneficiation Process selected for New Korean Power PlantJames Bittner
Stephen Gasiorowski
Ted Bush
Frank Hrach
Thursday08:30Beneficiation IBeneficiation of Dry Scrubber Material (DSM) through PelletizationKeith Day
Michael DiNovo
Thursday09:00Beneficiation IEfficient Pneumatic Conveying Dense Phase vs Dilute Phase: How Being Accurate is More Cost Effective than being ConservativeKody Smajstrla
Thursday09:30Beneficiation IAdvances in Chemical Beneficiation of Fly Ashes Containing Natural Carbon or Powdered Activated CarbonCarl Howard
Shrief Kabis
Stephen Farrington
Thursday10:00Coffee Break
Beneficiation IIModerator(s):
James Bittner/Separation Technologies LLC
Thursday10:30Beneficiation IIStaged Turbulent Air Reactor (STAR) Beneficiation Process – Commercial UpdateWilliam Fedorka
Chuck Knowles
John Castleman
Thursday11:00Beneficiation IICan density based coal processing techniques be applied to fly ash benefication?Robert Blissett
Thursday11:30Beneficiation IITo Be Arranged