World of Coal Ash - Lexington, Kentucky - April 11-15, 2005
Sessions and Abstracts          Agenda Schedule Overview

Please note: This agenda is subject to change, and may change often, as the need arises.

Monday, April 11, 2005 - Short Courses and Satellite Events

The Science of Ash Utilization - A Short Course
8:00 AM -9:00 AM Continental breakfast
9:00 AM -12:00 PM Instruction
12:00 PM -1:00 PM Lunch provided
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Instruction

Monday Registration and Check-in: Noon - 9:00 p.m. in East Hall
Monday Exhibit/Poster set up: Noon - 9:00 pm in East Hall
Welcoming Reception - Heritage Hall foyer - 6:30-8:00 pm

Tuesday, 12 April Concurrent Session 1
Tuesday07:00Registration/Continental BreakfastTo Be Arranged
Welcoming RemarksModerator(s):
Ari Geertsema/
Tuesday08:00Welcoming RemarksWelcome - Dr. Ari Geertsema, Director, University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy ResearchAri Geertsema
Tuesday08:05Welcoming RemarksWelcome - Dr. Lee Todd, President, University of KentuckyLee Todd
Tuesday08:15Welcoming RemarksWelcome - Mr. Thomas Feeley, Technology Manager, U. S. Dept. of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory, Office of Coal & Power Research & DevelopmentThomas Feeley
Tuesday08:25Welcoming RemarksIntroduction of Bart Thomas Award and WOCA Poster Award - Dr. Thomas Robl, Associate Director, University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy ResearchThomas Robl
Thomas Robl/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Tuesday08:30KeynoteKeynote Address by Kristine Krause, Vice President Environmental, Wisconsin Energy CorporationKristine Krause
Tuesday09:15KeynoteKeynote Address by Ian Boxall, General Manager of Blue Circle Ash, and Chairman of Ash Development Association of Australia (ADAA)Ian Boxall
Tuesday10:00Coffee Break
Aggregates 1Moderator(s):
Donald Saylak/Texas A&M University
Tuesday10:30Aggregates 1Evaluation of Processed Bottom Ash for Use as Lightweight Aggregate in the Production of Concrete Masonry UnitsBenjamin Phillips - x
John Groppo
Roger Perrone
Tuesday11:00Aggregates 1Controlling Fouling & Slagging in Coal Fired Utility Boilers: Technology and ExperienceChristopher Smyrniotis
Tuesday11:30Aggregates 1Comparison between Laboratory Leaching Properties and Field Experiments of MSWI Bottom Ash as an Unbound Granular Material for Road PavementsMaria Izquierdo
Xavier Querol
Enric Vazquez
Alejandro Josa
Angel Lopez-Soler
Tuesday12:00Lunch Break - on your own
Aggregates 2Moderator(s):
Donald Saylak/Texas A&M University
Tuesday13:00Aggregates 2Reuse of Coal Ash as Civil Engineering MaterialAtsuko Sato
Satoshi Nishimoto
Tuesday13:30Aggregates 2Production of Lightweight Aggregates from Coal Gasification Fly Ash and SlagMonica Aineto
D. Acosta
Jesus Rincon
Maximina Romero
Tuesday14:00Aggregates 2Flashag- New Lightweight Aggregate for High-Strength and Durable ConcreteObada Kayali
Tuesday14:30Aggregates 2To Be Arranged
Tuesday15:00Coffee Break
James Hower/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Tuesday19:00Bluegrass Reception in Bluegrass Ballroom

Tuesday, 12 April Concurrent Session 2
Tuesday07:00Registration/Continental Breakfast
Welcoming RemarksModerator(s):
Ari Geertsema/
Tuesday08:00Welcoming RemarksWelcome - Dr. Ari Geertsema, Director, University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy ResearchAri Geertsema
Tuesday08:05Welcoming RemarksWelcome - Dr. Lee Todd, President, University of KentuckyLee Todd
Tuesday08:15Welcoming RemarksWelcome - Mr. Thomas Feeley, Technology Manager, U. S. Dept. of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory, Office of Coal & Power Research & DevelopmentThomas Feeley
Tuesday08:25Welcoming RemarksIntroduction of Bart Thomas Award and WOCA Poster Award - Dr. Thomas Robl, Associate Director, University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy ResearchThomas Robl
Thomas Robl/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Tuesday08:30KeynoteKeynote Address by Kristine Krause, Vice President Environmental, Wisconsin Energy CorporationKristine Krause
Tuesday09:15KeynoteKeynote Address by Ian Boxall, General Manager of Blue Circle Ash, and Chairman of Ash Development Association of Australia (ADAA)Ian Boxall
Tuesday10:00Coffee Break
FGD 1Moderator(s):
Francois Botha/Illinois Clean Coal Institute
Tuesday10:30FGD 1To Be Arranged
Tuesday11:00FGD 1The Fate of Mercury in Flue Gas Desulfurization Byproduct Gypsum Used for Wallboard ProductionJessica Marshall
Gary Blythe
Mandi Richardson
Richard Rhudy
Tuesday11:30FGD 1New Strategies in the Utilization of FGD Gypsum and Sulfite-rich MaterialsVivak Malhotra
Francois Botha
Tuesday12:00Lunch Break - on your own
FGD 2Moderator(s):
Charles Miller/U. S. Dept. of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory
Tuesday13:00FGD 2FGD Forced Oxidation Mechanism - A Pilot Plant Case StudyPhilip Disney
Larraine Vinson
Tuesday13:30FGD 2Development Of Construction Materials Using Sulfite-Rich Scrubber Sludge And Fly-AshYoginder Chugh
Amit Patwardhan
Santosh Munish
Harrold Gurley
Francois Botha
Leonard Hopkins
Jeff Beasley
Tuesday14:00FGD 2Creating Demand for New FGD Gypsum SourcesRobert Bruce
David Tackett
Tuesday14:30FGD 2The Heavy Metal Leaching Behaviour of Australian Fly AshesJerzy Jankowski
Colin Ward
David French
Tuesday15:00Coffee Break
James Hower/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Tuesday19:00Bluegrass Reception in Bluegrass Ballroom

Tuesday, 12 April Concurrent Session 3
Tuesday07:00Registration/Continental Breakfast
Welcoming RemarksModerator(s):
Ari Geertsema/
Tuesday08:00Welcoming RemarksWelcome - Dr. Ari Geertsema, Director, University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy ResearchAri Geertsema
Tuesday08:05Welcoming RemarksWelcome - Dr. Lee Todd, President, University of KentuckyLee Todd
Tuesday08:15Welcoming RemarksWelcome - Mr. Thomas Feeley, Technology Manager, U. S. Dept. of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory, Office of Coal & Power Research & DevelopmentThomas Feeley
Tuesday08:25Welcoming RemarksIntroduction of Bart Thomas Award and WOCA Poster Award - Dr. Thomas Robl, Associate Director, University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy ResearchThomas Robl
Thomas Robl/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Tuesday08:30KeynoteKeynote Address by Kristine Krause, Vice President Environmental, Wisconsin Energy CorporationKristine Krause
Tuesday09:15KeynoteKeynote Address by Ian Boxall, General Manager of Blue Circle Ash, and Chairman of Ash Development Association of Australia (ADAA)Ian Boxall
Tuesday10:00Coffee Break
Policy 1Moderator(s):
Craig Heidrich/Ash Development Assoc. of Australia
Tuesday10:30Policy 1Historical Perspective of Coal Ash Marketing and Promotion in the USAOscar Manz
Debra Pflughoeft-Hassett
Tuesday11:00Policy 1European Legislation in the UK - a Threat or an Opportunity?Lindon Sear
Tuesday11:30Policy 1Present Situation and Perspectives of CCP Management in EuropeWolfgang Vom Berg
Hans-Joachim Feuerborn
Tuesday12:00Lunch Break - on your own
Policy 2Moderator(s):
Kenneth Tapp/LG&E/KU Energy
Tuesday13:00Policy 2C2P2 – Partnership InnovationJohn Glenn
David Goss
John Sager
Tuesday13:30Policy 2PPRP Research to Support Coal Combustion Product Management in MarylandPaul Petzrick
Robin Lee
Robert Keating
Tuesday14:00Policy 2Engineering and Environmental Specifications of State Agencies for Utilization and Disposal of Coal Combustion ProductsBruce Dockter
Diana Jagiella
Tuesday14:30Policy 2Modern Approach to the Problem of Utilization of Fly Ash and Bottom Ash from Power Plants in RussiaViacheslav Putilov
Irina Putilova
Tuesday15:00Coffee Break
James Hower/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Tuesday19:00Bluegrass Reception in Bluegrass Ballroom

Tuesday, 12 April Concurrent Session 4
Tuesday07:00Registration/Continental Breakfast
Welcoming RemarksModerator(s):
Ari Geertsema/
Tuesday08:00Welcoming RemarksWelcome - Dr. Ari Geertsema, Director, University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy ResearchAri Geertsema
Tuesday08:05Welcoming RemarksWelcome - Dr. Lee Todd, President, University of KentuckyLee Todd
Tuesday08:15Welcoming RemarksWelcome - Mr. Thomas Feeley, Technology Manager, U. S. Dept. of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory, Office of Coal & Power Research & DevelopmentThomas Feeley
Tuesday08:25Welcoming RemarksIntroduction of Bart Thomas Award and WOCA Poster Award - Dr. Thomas Robl, Associate Director, University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy ResearchThomas Robl
Thomas Robl/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Tuesday08:30KeynoteKeynote Address by Kristine Krause, Vice President Environmental, Wisconsin Energy CorporationKristine Krause
Tuesday09:15KeynoteKeynote Address by Ian Boxall, General Manager of Blue Circle Ash, and Chairman of Ash Development Association of Australia (ADAA)Ian Boxall
Tuesday10:00Coffee Break
Jennifer Hitch/Full Circle Solutions, Inc.
Tuesday10:30SCR1st Full Scale Installation of Ash Treatment for Ammonia ControlRafic Minkara
Tuesday11:00SCRComputer Simulations of Ammonia Migration from Ash MonofillsEric Cherry
Rafic Minkara
Tuesday11:30SCRGas Phase Ammonia Slip MitigationJared Cannon
Rafic Minkara
Tuesday12:00Lunch Break - on your own
Chemistry 1Moderator(s):
Aurora Rubel/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Tuesday13:00Chemistry 1Characterization of Fine and Ultrafine Fly Ash by Electron Microscopy TechniquesYuanzhi Chen
Naresh Shah
Frank Huggins
George Huffman
Tuesday13:30Chemistry 1Relation Between Coal And Fly Ash Mineralogy, Based On Quantitative X-Ray Diffraction MethodsColin Ward
David French
Tuesday14:00Chemistry 1Particulate emissions from combustion of a coal+tire mixtureReto Giere
Huijun Li
Katherine Smith
Mark Blackford
Tuesday14:30Chemistry 1Influence of Coal Properties and Combustion Conditions on Specific Surface Area of Fly AshMasayoshi Kimoto
Hiromitsu Matsuda
Hiromi Shirai
Tuesday15:00Coffee Break
James Hower/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Tuesday19:00Bluegrass Reception in Bluegrass Ballroom

Wednesday, 13 April Concurrent Session 1
Wednesday07:00Registration/Continental Breakfast
Wednesday07:50(OSM & UBC sessions start 10 minutes early)
Cement and Concrete 1: Alkali & Silica ReactionModerator(s):
Craig Heidrich/Ash Development Assoc. of Australia
Wednesday08:00Cement and Concrete 1: Alkali & Silica ReactionUse of Fly Ash to Enhance Sulfate Resistance of ConcreteKeith Bargaheiser
Tarunjit Butalia
Wednesday08:30Cement and Concrete 1: Alkali & Silica ReactionEvaluating the Performance of Binary and Ternary Fly Ash-Based Cementitious Systems to Control Expansion Due to ASR in ConcreteBenoit Fournier
Kenneth Ladwig
Wednesday09:00Cement and Concrete 1: Alkali & Silica ReactionMinimum Fly Ash Cement Replacement To Mitigate Alkali Silica ReactionLuis Malvar
Lary Lenke
Wednesday09:30Cement and Concrete 1: Alkali & Silica ReactionClean Coal Technology By-Products - An OverviewRaymond Hemmings
Wednesday10:00Coffee Break
Cement and Concrete 2Moderator(s):
George Venta/Cement Association of Canada
Wednesday10:30Cement and Concrete 2Accelerated Load Testing of Full-Scale CCP Pavements – Part A (Laboratory Experiments, Mix and Pavement Design)William Wolfe
Sung-Hwan Kim
Tarunjit Butalia
Harold Walker
Behrad Zand
Chin-Min Cheng-x
Wednesday11:00Cement and Concrete 2Accelerated Load Testing of Full-Scale CCP Pavements – Part B (Construction, Instrumentation, and Monitoring)Tarunjit Butalia
Harold Walker
William Wolfe
Sung-Hwan Kim
Behrad Zand
Chin-Min Cheng-x
Wednesday11:30Cement and Concrete 2Cold In-Place Recycling of Asphalt Pavements Using Self-Cementing Fly Ash: Field and Laboratory StudyAnil Misra
Sushant ruhlman
Frederick Gustin
Ali Roohanirad
Jonathan Stokes
Wednesday12:00Luncheon - East Hall
Wednesday12:50(OSM session starts 10 minutes early)
Cement and Concrete 3Moderator(s):
George Venta/Cement Association of Canada
Wednesday13:00Cement and Concrete 3EcoSmart™ Concrete Technology: Enabling Construction Professionals to Use High Volume Fly Ash Concrete in Building and Infrastructure ProjectsMichel de Spot
Wednesday13:30Cement and Concrete 3Fly Ash from Co-combustion Technology for Use in Concrete ConstructionMichael McCarthy
Ravindra Dhir
Lazslo Csetenyi
John Brindle
Wednesday14:00Cement and Concrete 3The Beneficial Effects of Calcium Chloride Treated Roadways Containing Fly AshDonald Saylak
Suren Mishra
Chang-Seon Shon
Wednesday14:30Cement and Concrete 3Comparative Performance of Beneficiated Run-of-Station Fly Ash as CementM. Jones
Aikaterini McCarthy
Andy Booth
Wednesday15:00Coffee Break
Cement and Concrete 4Moderator(s):
Michael McCarthy/University of Dundee
Wednesday15:30Cement and Concrete 4Fly Ash In Concrete: What Happens In The System?Alex Fraaij
Oguzhan Copuroglu
Wednesday16:00Cement and Concrete 4Case Study: CCP’s Lowering Greenhouse Gas Emissions for AustraliaCraig Heidrich
Ihor Hinczak
Bridget Ryan
Wednesday16:30Cement and Concrete 4Hydraulic Conductivity of Compacted Cement-Stabilized Fly AshMichael Kalinski
Praveen Yerra
Wednesday17:30C2P2 Awards Ceremony & Reception - History Museum

Wednesday, 13 April Concurrent Session 2
Wednesday07:00Registration/Continental Breakfast
OSM Interactive Forum Session 1 IntroductionModerator(s):
Peter Michael/US Dept. of Interior-Office of Surface Mining Appalachian Regional Coordinating Ctr.
Wednesday07:50OSM Interactive Forum Session 1 IntroductionIntroduction to Session 1Peter Michael
OSM Interactive Forum Session 1Moderator(s):
Peter Michael/US Dept. of Interior-Office of Surface Mining Appalachian Regional Coordinating Ctr.
Wednesday08:00OSM Interactive Forum Session 1The Relationship Between Water Quality and Coal Combustion By-Products Placement in an Arid Western Coal MineJames Luther
Brent Musslewhite
Collette Brown
Wednesday08:30OSM Interactive Forum Session 1Short- and Long-Term Behavior of Fixated FGD Material Grout at the Roberts-Dawson MineHarold Walker
Panuwat Taerakul
Mikko Lamminen
Yongtian He
Samuel Traina
E. Whitlatch
Wednesday09:00OSM Interactive Forum Session 1Diagenesis of FBC ash in a Reclaimed Mine Pit Lake: A Case Study in Long-Term ImplementationBarry Scheetz
William White
Caroline Loop
Roger Hornberger
Michael Menghini
Wednesday09:30OSM Interactive Forum Session 1Beneficial Use of FBC Coal Ash for Mine Reclamation in the Anthracite Region at the Wheelabrator Frackville Energy Co. and Mount Carmel CoGen SitesMichael Menghini
Roger Hornberger
Thomas Owen
Sharon Hill
Barry Scheetz
Wednesday10:00Coffee Break
OSM Interactive Forum Session 1Moderator(s):
Peter Michael/US Dept. of Interior-Office of Surface Mining Appalachian Regional Coordinating Ctr.
Wednesday10:30OSM Interactive Forum Session 1Beneficial Applications of Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) Ash at Mississipi Lignite Mining Company's Red Hills MineGeorge Hawkey
Marcelo Merino
Wednesday11:00OSM Interactive Forum Session 1Use of a Coal Combustion Product (CCP) Grout to Reduce the Formation of Acid Mine Drainage: An Update on the Winding Ridge ProjectRobin Lee
Leonard Rafalko
Paul Petzrick
Wednesday11:30OSM Interactive Forum Session 1Interactive Discussion - 1st Session: Case Studies of CCB Mine Placement Design, Implementation, and MonitoringPeter Michael
Wednesday12:00Luncheon - East Hall
OSM Interactive Forum Session 2 IntroductionModerator(s):
Debra Pflughoeft-Hassett/Gypsum Parameters
Wednesday12:50OSM Interactive Forum Session 2 IntroductionIntroduction to Session 2Debra Pflughoeft-Hassett
OSM Interactive Forum Session 2Moderator(s):
Debra Pflughoeft-Hassett/Gypsum Parameters
Wednesday13:00OSM Interactive Forum Session 2Descriptions and Comparisons of Leaching Procedures Applied to CCBs: A Panel DiscussionDavid Hassett
Paul Ziemkiewicz
Greg Helms
Ann Kim
Wednesday13:30OSM Interactive Forum Session 2Descriptions and Comparisons of Leaching Procedures Applied to CCBs: A Panel Discussion (continued)David Hassett
Paul Ziemkiewicz
Greg Helms
Ann Kim
Wednesday14:00OSM Interactive Forum Session 2Coal Ash Leaching Behavior in Acid Mine Drainage: Comparison of Laboratory and Field StudiesPaul Ziemkiewicz
Wednesday14:30OSM Interactive Forum Session 2To Be Arranged
Wednesday15:00Coffee Break
OSM Interactive Forum Session 2Moderator(s):
Debra Pflughoeft-Hassett/Gypsum Parameters
Wednesday15:30OSM Interactive Forum Session 2Use of Leachate Data in Risk Assessment in PennsylvaniaMichael Menghini
Roger Hornberger
Alfred Dalberto
Wednesday16:00OSM Interactive Forum Session 2The Use of Neutral Leachate Test Data in Indiana’s Coal Combustion By-Product Disposal ProgramDeborah Dale
Wednesday16:30OSM Interactive Forum Session 2Interactive Discussion - 2nd Session: Leaching Protocols and Studies Supporting CCB Risk Assessment at MinesDebra Pflughoeft-Hassett
Wednesday17:30C2P2 Awards Ceremony & Reception - History Museum

Wednesday, 13 April Concurrent Session 3
Wednesday07:00Registration/Continental Breakfast
Unburned Carbon Conf. - Welcome & KeynoteModerator(s):
Pierina Noceti/U. S. Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory
Wednesday07:50Unburned Carbon Conf. - Welcome & KeynoteWelcoming Remarks and Introduction of Keynote SpeakerPierina Noceti
Wednesday08:00Unburned Carbon Conf. - Welcome & KeynoteKeynote Address by Thomas A. Sarkus, Division Director, Advanced Energy Systems Division, National Energy Technology LaboratoryThomas Sarkus
UBC - Control Measures (Case Studies)Moderator(s):
Stephen Gasiorowski/Separation Technologies LLC
Wednesday08:30UBC - Control Measures (Case Studies)Combustion Tuning Systems for Control of Unburned CarbonNeil Widmer
Philippe Gauthier
David Moyeda
Roy Payne
William Seeker
Wednesday09:00UBC - Control Measures (Case Studies)Simultaneously Reducing NOx and Slagging on a 300 MW T-Fired BoilerRichard Conn
Jiefeng Shan
Joel Vatsky
UBC - Predictive Performance ToolsModerator(s):
Stephen Gasiorowski/Separation Technologies LLC
Wednesday09:30UBC - Predictive Performance ToolsReal-time Monitoring of Unburned Carbon-in-AshTodd Melick
Todd Sommer
Hans Conrads
Wednesday10:00Coffee Break
UBC - Beneficiation of High-LOI Fly Ash - A.M.Moderator(s):
Stephen Gasiorowski/Separation Technologies LLC
Wednesday10:30UBC - Beneficiation of High-LOI Fly Ash - A.M.Advanced Multi-Product Coal Utilization Byproduct Processing PlantThomas Robl
John Groppo
Robert Rathbone
Stephen Bryan
Kenneth Tapp
Wednesday11:00UBC - Beneficiation of High-LOI Fly Ash - A.M.Characteristics of Fly Ashes and Processing Conditions Affecting Carbon-Ash Separation under Pneumatic Transport, Triboelectric ProcessingFederico Cangialosi
Michele Notarnicola
Lorenzo Liberti
Pompilio Caramuscio
Giulio Belz
Tapiwa Gurupira
John Stencel
Wednesday11:30UBC - Beneficiation of High-LOI Fly Ash - A.M.Integrating Combustion-Collection-Separation-Reinjection Technologies to Reduce Fly Ash Carbon and Increase Ash ValueStephen Johnson
Charles Lockert
Wednesday12:00Luncheon - East Hall
Wednesday12:50(OSM session starts 10 minutes early)
Presentation - 2005 UBC AwardModerator(s):
Thomas Sarkus/U. S. Dept. of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory
Wednesday13:00Presentation - 2005 UBC AwardPresentation of 2005 Award for Innovative Development in Reduction of Unburned Carbon on Fly Ash (begins at 1:10)
UBC - Beneficiation of High-LOI Fly Ash - P.M.Moderator(s):
John Stencel/Tribo Flow Separations
Wednesday13:30UBC - Beneficiation of High-LOI Fly Ash - P.M.Triboelectrostatic Fly Ash Beneficiation: An Update on Separation Technologies’ International OperationsJames Bittner
Stephen Gasiorowski
Wednesday14:00UBC - Beneficiation of High-LOI Fly Ash - P.M.Carbon Burn-Out - A State of the Art in Commercial Ash BeneficiationFrank Kirkconnell
James Keppeler
UBC - Characterization of High-LOI Fly AshModerator(s):
John Stencel/Tribo Flow Separations
Wednesday14:30UBC - Characterization of High-LOI Fly AshMaterials Degradation Mechanisms in Coal-Fired BoilersJeff Henry
J. Nava
Wednesday15:00Coffee Break
UBC - Characterization of High-LOI Fly AshModerator(s):
John Stencel/Tribo Flow Separations
Wednesday15:30UBC - Characterization of High-LOI Fly AshCombustion Reactivity of Unburned Carbon in Coal Combustion Fly AshesFederico Cangialosi
Francesco Di Canio
Gianluca Intini
Michele Notarnicola
Lorenzo Liberti
Pompilio Caramuscio
Giulio Belz
UBC - Unburned Carbon and Mercury ControlModerator(s):
John Stencel/Tribo Flow Separations
Wednesday16:00UBC - Unburned Carbon and Mercury ControlEnhancement of the “Naturally Occurring” Mercury Capture by Fly AshVitali Lissianski
William Seeker
Peter Maly
Wednesday16:30UBC - Unburned Carbon and Mercury ControlImpact of Carbon-in-Ash on Mercury Removal across Particulate Control Devices in Coal-Fired Power PlantsConstance Senior
Stephen Johnson
Wednesday17:30C2P2 Awards Ceremony & Reception - History Museum

Wednesday, 13 April Concurrent Session 4
Wednesday07:00Registration/Continental Breakfast
Wednesday07:50(OSM & UBC sessions start 10 minutes early)
Agriculture 1Moderator(s):
Maxim Schlossberg/The Pennsylvania State University
Wednesday08:00Agriculture 1A Model to Predict Resilient Modulus of Lime-Fly Ash Stabilized SoilsWilliam Wolfe
Tarunjit Butalia
Yong-Woong Lee
Wednesday08:30Agriculture 1Peat Consolidation with Bottom Ash - Theory and PracticeTomasz Szczygielski
Agnieszka Myszkowska
Ryszard Coufal
Olga Kopczynska
Wednesday09:00Agriculture 1Stabilization of Soils with Self-Cementing Coal AshesScott Mackiewicz
E. Ferguson
Wednesday09:30Agriculture 1Field Leachate Characterization at CCP Management SitesKenneth Ladwig
Bruce Hensel
Brian Hennings
Dirk Wallschlager
Jacqueline London
Wednesday10:00Coffee Break
Agriculture 2Moderator(s):
Craig Heidrich/Ash Development Assoc. of Australia
Wednesday10:30Agriculture 2Coal-ash: an exploitable resource for management of Australia agricultural soils?Isa Yunusa
Derek Eamus
D. De Silva
Brad Murray
M. Burchett
Deborah Skilliter
Craig Heidrich
Wednesday11:00Agriculture 2Chemical Attenuation of Arsenic Species by Soils from Power Plant SitesPerre Burns
Ishwar Murarka
Linda Lee
Kenneth Ladwig
Wednesday11:30Agriculture 2Controlled Release Zeolite Fertilisers: A Value Added Product Produced from Fly AshAlex Elliot
Dong-ke Zhang
Wednesday12:00Luncheon - East Hall
Wednesday12:50(OSM session starts 10 minutes early)
Agriculture 3Moderator(s):
Maxim Schlossberg/The Pennsylvania State University
Wednesday13:00Agriculture 3CCP: Environmental Bonafides for Agricultural UsesCraig Heidrich
Wednesday13:30Agriculture 3To Be Arranged
Wednesday14:00Agriculture 3Evaluation of Zeolites Manufactured from Fly Ash as Adsorbents for Ammonium: Implications for a Slow Release Nitrogen FertilizerBrian Hart
Don Hayden
Michael Powell
Wednesday14:30Agriculture 3Bottom Ash Fines as a Soil Amendment for Turfgrass and Site Closure – Laboratory and Mesocosm Studies at PPL Brunner Island and Montour Steam Electric StationJohn Buck
Lawrence LaBuz
Wednesday15:00Coffee Break
Agriculture 4Moderator(s):
Maxim Schlossberg/The Pennsylvania State University
Wednesday15:30Agriculture 4Potential for metal leaching and toxicity from fly ash applied for increasing carbon sequestration in soilAnthony Palumbo
Jana Tarver
Lisa Fagan
Meghan McNeilly
Rose Ruther
James Amonette
Wednesday16:00Agriculture 4Beneficial Use of CCP’s in Agronomic and Horticulture ApplicationsWarren Dick
Darrell Norton
Liming Chen
Jerry Bigham
Brian Slater
Yong Lee
Cliff Ramsier
Sougata Bardhan
Yona Chen
Sid Nelson
Wednesday16:30Agriculture 4To Be Arranged
Wednesday17:30C2P2 Awards Ceremony & Reception - History Museum

Thursday, 14 April Concurrent Session 1
Thursday07:00Registration/Continental Breakfast
Thursday07:50(OSM session starts 10 minutes early)
Chemistry 2: MercuryModerator(s):
Lynn Brickett/Environmental and Climate Division, USDOE-NETL
Thursday08:00Chemistry 2: MercuryMercury Release from Coal Combustion Products (CCPs)Mei Xin
Mae Gustin
Kenneth Ladwig
Thursday08:30Chemistry 2: MercuryQuantitation and Interpretation of Release of Mercury from Coal Utilization By-ProductsDavid Hassett
Loreal Heebink
Debra Pflughoeft-Hassett
Erick Zacher
Lynn Brickett
Thursday09:00Chemistry 2: MercuryThermal Stability of Mercury Captured by Ash, Part 2Aurora Rubel
James Hower
Matthew Zimmerer
Thursday09:30Chemistry 2: MercuryCorrelation of Fly Ash Carbon Properties and Mercury Uptake CapacitiesMercedes Maroto-Valer
Brandie Markley
Bruce Miller
Thursday10:00Coffee Break
Chemistry 3: More MercuryModerator(s):
Lynn Brickett/Environmental and Climate Division, USDOE-NETL
Thursday10:30Chemistry 3: More MercuryAssociations of Mercury in Indiana Coals and Their Fly Ash; Insights from a Sequential Extraction TechniqueAgnieszka Drobniak
Rosalice Buehrer
Gabriel Filippelli
Maria Mastalerz
James Hower
Matthew Zimmerer
Thursday11:00Chemistry 3: More MercuryOrganomercury Compound Determination from Microbiologically Mediated CUB SamplesDavid Hassett
Erick Zacher
Loreal Heebink
Thursday11:30Chemistry 3: More MercuryDetermining the Total Leaching Potential of Trace Cationic Elements in Fly Ash Exemplified by Cd(II), Cu(II), and Ni(II)Tian Wang
Jianmin Wang
Heng Ban
Thursday12:00Lunch Break - on your own
Chemistry 4Moderator(s):
Ann Kim/U. S. Dept. of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory
Thursday13:00Chemistry 4Fly Ash Derived Sorbents for CO2 CaptureMercedes Maroto-Valer
Zhe Lu
John Andresen
Thursday13:30Chemistry 4Evaluations of Fly Ash Containing Brominated CarbonQunhui Zhou
Yinzhi Zhang
Sid Nelson
Thursday14:00Chemistry 4Trace Element Chemistry of Fly Ashes from Co-combusted Petroleum Coke and CoalKevin Henke
Thursday14:30Chemistry 4Rapid Batch Characterization of Coal Utilization By-productsPeter Hesbach
Alexander Abel
Ann Kim
Steven Lamey
Thursday15:00Coffee Break
Chemistry 5Moderator(s):
Mercedes Maroto-Valer/Heriot-Watt University Centre for Innovation on Carbon Capture and Storage (CICCS)
Thursday15:30Chemistry 5The Fate of Ammonia and Mercury in the Carbon Burn-Out (CBO) ProcessVincent Giampa-x
Thursday16:00Chemistry 5Determination of Expansion Potential of Coal Utilization By-ProductsDavid Hassett
Erick Zacher
Loreal Heebink
Thursday16:30Chemistry 5Mineralogy and Chemical Composition of Greek and Chinese Coal Fly Ash: Research for Potential ApplicationsNikolaos Koukouzas
Rongshu Zeng
Vassileios Perdikatsis
Wendong Xu
Emmanuel Kakaras-x

Thursday, 14 April Concurrent Session 2
Thursday07:00Registration/Continental Breakfast
OSM Interactive Forum Session 3 IntroductionModerator(s):
David Goss/DC Goss LLC
Thursday07:50OSM Interactive Forum Session 3 IntroductionIntroduction to Session 3David Goss
OSM Interactive Forum Session 3Moderator(s):
David Goss/DC Goss LLC
Thursday08:00OSM Interactive Forum Session 3State Perspectives on Regulation of Mine Placement of Coal Combustion WastesGregory Conrad
Thursday08:30OSM Interactive Forum Session 3The National Academy of Sciences Evaluation of the Use of Coal Ash in Mining ActivitiesTamara Dickinson
Thursday09:00OSM Interactive Forum Session 3Coal Ash Beneficial Use at Mine Sites in PennsylvaniaRoger Hornberger
Alfred Dalberto
Michael Menghini
Timothy Kania
Barry Scheetz
Daniel Koury
Thomas Owen
Thursday09:30OSM Interactive Forum Session 3CCB Placement in Texas Mining ActivitiesMichael Nasi
Rebecca Fink
Thursday10:00Coffee Break
OSM Interactive Forum Session 3Moderator(s):
David Goss/DC Goss LLC
Thursday10:30OSM Interactive Forum Session 3Alkaline Activated Coal Ash and Dredged Material in the Remediation of Very Large Mine SitesAndrew Voros
Thursday11:00OSM Interactive Forum Session 3Indiana Experiences Using Coal Ash in Mining ActivitiesPaul Ehret
Thursday11:30OSM Interactive Forum Session 3Interactive Discussion - 3rd Session: Regulation of CCB Placement at MinesDavid Goss
Thursday12:00Lunch Break - on your own
Mine Reclamation 1Moderator(s):
Carole Ball/Kentucky Department for Surface Mining
Thursday13:00Mine Reclamation 1Ninevah Acid Mine Pollution Abatement ProjectThomas Gray
J. Horrell
Thursday13:30Mine Reclamation 1Coal Fly Ash as Contaminant Barriers for AMD Generating Mine TailingsJulie Shang
Hongliu Wang
Thursday14:00Mine Reclamation 1Development of a Co-Disposal Protocol for the Neutralization and Amelioration of Acid Mine Drainage with Fly AshDamini Surender
Leslie Petrik
Thursday14:30Mine Reclamation 1The Utilisation of an Ash Wall for the Treatment and Control of Acid Mine DrainageKelley Reynolds-Clausen
Thursday15:00Coffee Break
Mine Reclamation 2Moderator(s):
William Aljoe/U. S. Dept. of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory
Thursday15:30Mine Reclamation 2The Maryland Coal Mine Mapping Project: Providing Access to Historic Maps for Today's UsesNathaniel DeBruin
Corey Prescott
Thursday16:00Mine Reclamation 2Use of Sulfur Isotopes to Monitor Dissolved Sulfate Derived from a Fly Ash Disposal Site, North-Central ColoradoRobert Zielinski
Craig Johnson
Joby Adams
Thursday16:30Mine Reclamation 2To Be Arranged

Thursday, 14 April Concurrent Session 3
Thursday07:00Registration/Continental Breakfast
Thursday07:50(OSM session starts 10 minutes early)
Cement and Concrete 5Moderator(s):
Keith Bargaheiser/Waste Management
Thursday08:00Cement and Concrete 5Structural Applications of 100 Percent Fly Ash ConcreteDoug Cross
Jerry Stephens
Jason Vollmer
Thursday08:30Cement and Concrete 5Changes in Fly Ash With Thermal TreatmentJohn Fox-x
Thursday09:00Cement and Concrete 5Combined Utilization of Bottom Ash and Fly Ash for Lightweight Concrete ProductionMark Nicnevich
Gregory Sirotin
Ya'akov Eshel
Thursday09:30Cement and Concrete 5Mixture of Lignite Fly Ash in Concrete: Physical and Mineralogical Characterization - Case Study from Ptolemais, Northern GreeceNikolaos Koukouzas
Charis Vassilatos
Ioannis Glarakis
Thursday10:00Coffee Break
Cement and Concrete 6Moderator(s):
Keith Bargaheiser/Waste Management
Thursday10:30Cement and Concrete 6Self-Cementing CCP Grouts for Remediation of Abandoned Coal Mines in Western MarylandRaymond Hemmings
Paul Petzrick
Thursday11:00Cement and Concrete 6Pultrusion Process for Fabric Reinforced High Flyash Cement CompositesBarzin Mobasher
Alva Peled
Jitendra Pahilajani
Thursday11:30Cement and Concrete 6Bulk Storage - Technology and EconomicsRobert Lister
Mark Konzal
Thursday12:00Lunch Break - on your own
Cement and Concrete 7Moderator(s):
Robert Rathbone/Boral Industries Inc.
Thursday13:00Cement and Concrete 7Assessment of Co-Combustion Fly Ashes for Use in ConcreteAngelo Saraber
Jan van den Berg
Thursday13:30Cement and Concrete 7To Be Arranged
Thursday14:00Cement and Concrete 7Development of an Automated Foam Index TestTapiwa Gurupira
Melissa Ochsenbein
John Stencel
Ferdy Martinus
Thursday14:30Cement and Concrete 7Mechanical Activation of LimestoneArkadiusz Szymanek
Wojciech Nowak
Jacek Maslanka
Thursday15:00Coffee Break
Cement and Concrete 8Moderator(s):
Robert Rathbone/Boral Industries Inc.
Thursday15:30Cement and Concrete 8Cost Optimization Study Using CCP Grout for Deep Mine RestorationJames Erdman
Paul Petzrick
Leonard Rafalko
John Jenkins
Thursday16:00Cement and Concrete 8Sustainable Utilization of Fly Ash in the Cement IndustryPeter Smith
Mark Stillwagon
Thursday16:30Cement and Concrete 8Waste-Treated Waste: Stabilization of Colliery Waste from South Wales (UK) using Wastepaper Sludge Ash (WSA)John Kinuthia
A. Gailius

Thursday, 14 April Concurrent Session 4
Thursday07:00Registration/Continental Breakfast
Thursday07:50(OSM session starts 10 minutes early)
New Products 1Moderator(s):
Craig Heidrich/Ash Development Assoc. of Australia
Thursday08:00New Products 1Research and Development of Coal Ash Granulated Material for Civil Engineering ApplicationsAkira Ohnaka
Takashi Hongo
Mikio Ohta
Yoshitsugu Izumo
Thursday08:30New Products 1High Performance Bricks from Fly AshObada Kayali
Thursday09:00New Products 1Improving Freezing and Thawing Properties of Flyash BricksHenry Liu
William Burkett
Kirk Haynes
Thursday09:30New Products 1A Study on a Technology to Produce Inorganic Fibers by Melting Coal AshYoshitaka Ishikawa
Thursday10:00Coffee Break
New Products 2Moderator(s):
Richard Kruger/Richonne Consulting
Thursday10:30New Products 2Beneficial Utilisation of Sasol Coal Gasification AshMartin Ginster
Henry Matjie
Thursday11:00New Products 2Golf Course Putting Greens Constructed Using Coal Combustion Products (CCP)Maxim Schlossberg
William Miller
Thursday11:30New Products 2Differential Behavior of Combustion and Gasification Fly Ash from Puertollano Power Plants (Spain) for Zeolite Synthesis and Silica ExtractionNatalia Moreno
Oriol Font
Xavier Querol
Angel Lopez-Soler
Pilar Coca
Francisco Pena
Thursday12:00Lunch Break - on your own
New Products 3Moderator(s):
Daniel Tao/University of Kentucky Dept. of Mining Engineering
Thursday13:00New Products 3New Composite Binder From Secondary Mineral ResourcesStanislav Pavlenko
Thursday13:30New Products 3Geopolymerization of Fly AshHenk Nugteren
Joseph Davidovits
Diano Antenucci
Constantino Fernandez-Pereira
Xavier Querol
Thursday14:00New Products 3Geopolymer Technology: The Formation of Cost-Competitive Construction Materials by the Alkali-Activation of Coal AshGrant Lukey
Jannie van Deventer
Thursday14:30New Products 3Technical Monitoring of Microspheres from Fly Ashes of Electric Power Stations in the Russian FederationValeri Drozhzhin
Igor Pikulin
Mikhail Kuvaev
Sergei Redyushev
Mikhail Shpirt
Thursday15:00Coffee Break
New Products 4Moderator(s):
Richard Kruger/Richonne Consulting
Thursday15:30New Products 4The Effect of Coal Ash Glass Chemistry on the Performance Properties of Geopolymeric ProductsLouise Keyte
Redmond Lloyd
Grant Lukey
Jannie van Deventer
Thursday16:00New Products 4Fly Ash as a Replacement for Mineral Fillers in the Polymer IndustryHenk Nugteren
Richard Kruger
Thursday16:30New Products 4Dry Beneficiation of Fly Ash Using Advanced Triboelectrostatic SeparationDaniel Tao
Xinkai Jiang
Jinbo Zhu
Jianing He

Friday, 15 April Concurrent Session 1
Friday07:00Registration/Continental Breakfast
Mine Reclamation 3Moderator(s):
Wayne Truter/University of Pretoria
Friday08:00Mine Reclamation 3Potential Massive Use of Coal Ash to Restore Disturbed HydrogeologyGary Reeves
Joseph Giacinto
Paul Petzrick
Friday08:30Mine Reclamation 3Leaching of Constituents inside a Coal Ash Filled Mine Pit and the Resulting Groundwater Quality in the Surrounding EnvironmentIshwar Murarka
Richard Meiers
Linda Lee
Friday09:00Mine Reclamation 3Gauging Success of Coal-Combustion Byproducts Utilization in Indiana Abandoned Mine Land ReclamationTracy Branam
Ronald Smith
John Comer
Friday09:30Mine Reclamation 3Re-Vegetating Mine Land Treated with Alternative Soil AmeliorantsWayne Truter
Norman Rethman
Friday10:00Coffee Break
Environmental ManagementModerator(s):
Tamara Vandivort/West Virginia University West Virginia Water Research Institute
Friday10:30Environmental ManagementWater Quality Changes Related to CUB Bulk Placement at the Rostraver AirportAnn Kim
Anthony DiGioia
Phillip Glogowski
Friday11:00Environmental ManagementPost-Construction Environmental Monitoring of a Fly Ash Based Road SubbaseYoginder Chugh
Samrat Mohanty
Ronald Carty
Mark Bryant
Friday11:30Environmental ManagementMineralogy and Trace Element Partitioning in Coal Fly Ash/Acid Mine Drainage Co-Disposed Solid ResiduesWilson Gitari
Leslie Petrik
D. Key
O. Etchebers
C. Okujeni

Friday, 15 April Concurrent Session 2
Friday07:00Registration/Continental Breakfast
Policy 3Moderator(s):
William Aljoe/U. S. Dept. of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory
Friday08:00Policy 3Regulatory Aspects Affecting Ash UtilizationLisa Cooper
Friday08:30Policy 3Overcoming Barriers to CCP UseJennifer Hitch
Friday09:00Policy 3Review of State Regulations, Standards, and Practices, Related to the Use of Coal Combustion Products: Texas Review Case StudyTera Buckley
Debra Pflughoeft-Hassett
John Sager
John Ward
Friday09:30Policy 3Reminiscences of the Development of the South African Coal Ash Industry Over the Past 30 YearsRichard Kruger
Japie Kruger
Friday10:00Coffee Break
Policy 4Moderator(s):
Thomas Robl/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Friday10:30Policy 4Future Ash Availability – Potential Consequences of Transformation of Australia’s Energy Generation Portfolio to 2050Anthony Morrison
Paul Graham
Peter Nelson
Friday11:00Policy 4Coal Ash in Israel from a Waste to a Strategic ResourceOmri Lulav
Friday11:30Policy 4To Be Arranged

Friday, 15 April Concurrent Session 3
Friday07:00Registration/Continental Breakfast
Cement and Concrete 9Moderator(s):
Robert Rathbone/Boral Industries Inc.
Friday08:00Cement and Concrete 9Mercury Emissions from Concrete Containing Fly Ash and Mercury-Loaded Powdered Activated CarbonDanold Golightly
Ping Sun
Chin-Min Cheng
Panuwat Taerakul
Harold Walker
Linda Weavers
William Wolfe
Dean Golden
Friday08:30Cement and Concrete 9Evaluations of “Concrete-Friendly” Mercury SorbentsQunhui Zhou
Yinzhi Zhang
Sid Nelson
Rafic Minkara
Friday09:00Cement and Concrete 9Optimization of Silica Fume, Fly Ash and Cement Mixes for High Performance ConcreteRichard Livingston
Walairat Bumrongjaroen
Friday09:30Cement and Concrete 9To Be Arranged
Friday10:00Coffee Break
Cement and Concrete 10Moderator(s):
Robert Rathbone/Boral Industries Inc.
Friday10:30Cement and Concrete 10To Save Cost, Time and the Environment - Fly Ash Stabilized Highway Sub-grades Win!James Rosenmerkel
Bruce Pfister
Friday11:00Cement and Concrete 10Analyses and Design of a Stabilized Fly Ash as Pavement Base MaterialAbdullah Lav
M. Lav
Burak Goktepe
Friday11:30Cement and Concrete 10Fly Ash to Improve Workability of Structural Concrete Made with Crushed Sand as Fine AggregateDan Ravina

Friday, 15 April Concurrent Session 4
Friday07:00Registration/Continental Breakfast
Chemistry 6Moderator(s):
Mercedes Maroto-Valer/Heriot-Watt University Centre for Innovation on Carbon Capture and Storage (CICCS)
Friday08:00Chemistry 6The Leaching Behavior of Arsenic and Selenium from Fly AshTian Wang
Jianmin Wang
Joel Burken
Heng Ban
Friday08:30Chemistry 6Detailed Characterisation of Sasol AshesHenry Matjie
Martin Ginster
Chris Van Alphen
A. Sobiecki
Friday09:00Chemistry 6Preferential Acidic, Alkaline and Neutral Solubility of Metallic Elements in Fly AshAnn Kim
Friday09:30Chemistry 6Transient Leaching Behavior of Heavy Metals Encapsulated in Fly Ash Solidified/Stabilized WastesLucy Camacho
Stuart Munson-McGee
Friday10:00Coffee Break
Chemistry 7Moderator(s):
Harold Walker/Stony Brook University
Friday10:30Chemistry 7Leaching of CUB Using a CSTXCandace Kairies
Carol Cardone
Karl Schroeder
Friday11:00Chemistry 7The Effect of Ammonia on the Leaching of Cu(II) and Cd(II) from Fly AshJianmin Wang
Heng Ban
Xinjun Teng
Kenneth Ladwig
Friday11:30Chemistry 7Chemical Composition and Leaching Characteristics of Ash collected from the Ohio State Coal Ash Regeneration (OSCAR) ProcessPanuwat Taerakul
Ping Sun
Harold Walker
Linda Weavers
Danold Golightly
Tarunjit Butalia

Friday afternoon, April 15, 2005 - Satellite Events