International Ash Utilization Symposia Series
2003 Sessions and Abstracts          Agenda Schedule Overview

Please note:

Sunday, October 19, 2003

The Science of Ash Utilization - A Short Course
8:00 AM -9:00 AM Continental breakfast
9:00 AM -12:00 PM Instruction
12:00 PM -1:00 PM Lunch provided
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Instruction

Sunday Registration and Check-in: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. in East Hall
Sunday Exhibit/Poster set up: 2:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Monday, 20 October Concurrent Session 1
Monday07:00Registration/Continental Breakfast
Welcoming Remarks - PlenaryModerator(s):
Ari Geertsema/
Monday08:00Welcoming Remarks - PlenaryWelcome - Dr. Ari Geertsema, Director, UK Ctr. For Applied Energy ResearchAri Geertsema
Monday08:05Welcoming Remarks - PlenaryWelcome - Dr. Lee Todd Jr., President of the University of KentuckyLee Todd
Monday08:15Welcoming Remarks - PlenaryWelcome - Ms. Teresa Isaac, Mayor of Lexington, KentuckyTeresa Isaac
Monday08:25Welcoming Remarks - PlenaryThe Barton A. Thomas Memorial Award - Dr. Tom Robl, Assoc. Director, UK Ctr. For Applied Energy ResearchThomas Robl
Keynote - PlenaryModerator(s):
Thomas Robl/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Monday08:30Keynote - PlenaryFly Ash in Concrete: What Do We Have to Do to Move Utilization Forward. A UK Perspective presented by Dr. M. R. Jones, Head of the Division of Civil Engineering and Reader in Concrete Technology at the University of Dundee, ScotlandM. Jones
Michael McCarthy
Aikaterini McCarthy
Monday09:15Keynote - PlenaryCoal as Key Energy Source - Dealing with its Byproducts as a National Issue presented by Mr. Kenneth E. Markel, Deputy Center Director of the Office of Major Demonstration Projects at the U. S. Dept. of Energy's National Energy Technology LaboratoryKenneth Markel
Monday10:00Coffee Break
FGD 1Moderator(s):
Francois Botha/Illinois Clean Coal Institute
John Glasscock/Synthetic Materials LLC
Monday10:30FGD 1Characterization of Hg, As and Se in Lime Spray Dryer By-productPanuwat Taerakul
Ping Sun
Danold Golightly
Tarunjit Butalia
Harold Walker
Linda Weavers
Monday11:00FGD 1CFBC Ash Hydration StudiesEdward Anthony
Lufei Jia
Yinghai Wu
Melanie Caris
Monday11:30FGD 1Status of EPA’s Regulation Development for Coal Combustion WastesDennis Ruddy
Truett Degeare
Bonnie Robinson
Monday12:00Boral Material Technologies Lunch (East Hall)
FGD 2Moderator(s):
Raymond Hemmings/Hemmings & Associates, LLC
George Venta/Cement Association of Canada
Monday13:30FGD 2Mechanisms Controlling the Leaching Kinetics of Fixated Flue Gas Desulfurization MaterialChin-Min Cheng
Harold Walker
Monday14:00FGD 2Development of Novel Paperless Wallboard from Sulfate-Rich FGD MaterialVivak Malhotra
S. Amanuel
C. Pleasure
Francois Botha
Monday14:30FGD 2Release of Trace Metals from FBC Ash During Leaching with Acidic SolutionsGeorge Kazonich
Ann Kim
Monday15:00Coffee Break
Randall Mills/U. S. DOI Office of Surface Mining Mid-Continent Regional Coordinating Center
Monday15:30MiningBeneficial Use of CCPs in Maryland in Large-Scale Engineering ApplicationsPaul Petzrick
Raymond Hemmings
Monday16:00MiningUnderground Placement of Coal Processing Waste and Coal Combustion By-Products Based Paste Backfill for Enhanced Mining EconomicsYoginder Chugh
D. Deb
D. Biswas
Monday16:30MiningPennsylvania Operator's Experience on CFBC Ash for Beneficial Use at a Surface Mine Site - a Case StudyAjoy Mukherjee
Lorain Cowder
Kenneth Morchesky
Monday17:00MiningDevelopment and Demonstration of Coal Utilization Byproducts-Based Artificial Supports For Underground Mine UseYoginder Chugh
Mike Prichard
G. Balk
Jin Ma
Monday19:00Reception (East Hall)

Monday, 20 October Concurrent Session 2
Monday07:00Registration/Continental Breakfast
Welcoming Remarks - PlenaryModerator(s):
Ari Geertsema/
Monday08:00Welcoming Remarks - PlenaryWelcome - Dr. Ari Geertsema, Director, UK Ctr. For Applied Energy ResearchAri Geertsema
Monday08:05Welcoming Remarks - PlenaryWelcome - Dr. Lee Todd Jr., President of the University of KentuckyLee Todd
Monday08:15Welcoming Remarks - PlenaryWelcome - Ms. Teresa Isaac, Mayor of Lexington, KentuckyTeresa Isaac
Monday08:25Welcoming Remarks - PlenaryThe Barton A. Thomas Memorial Award - Dr. Tom Robl, Assoc. Director, UK Ctr. For Applied Energy ResearchThomas Robl
Keynote - PlenaryModerator(s):
Thomas Robl/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Monday08:30Keynote - PlenaryFly Ash in Concrete: What Do We Have to Do to Move Utilization Forward. A UK Perspective presented by Dr. M. R. Jones, Head of the Division of Civil Engineering and Reader in Concrete Technology at the University of Dundee, ScotlandM. Jones
Michael McCarthy
Aikaterini McCarthy
Monday09:15Keynote - PlenaryCoal as Key Energy Source - Dealing with its Byproducts as a National Issue presented by Mr. Kenneth E. Markel, Deputy Center Director of the Office of Major Demonstration Projects at the U. S. Dept. of Energy's National Energy Technology LaboratoryKenneth Markel
Monday10:00Coffee Break
Novel Applications 1Moderator(s):
Haim Cohen/Ariel University Center of Samaria Dept. of Biological Chemistry
Richard Kruger/Richonne Consulting
Monday10:30Novel Applications 1Ceramic Tiles from High-Carbon Fly AshAlex Mishulovich
James Evanko
Monday11:00Novel Applications 1Utilization of Silo Stored and Ponded Class C Fly Ash in Road BasesAnil Misra
Sushant ruhlman
Debabrata Biswas
Monday11:30Novel Applications 1Converting Coal Prep-Waste to Portland CementJaved Bhatty
John Gajda
F. Miller
Monday12:00Boral Material Technologies Lunch (East Hall)
Novel Applications 2Moderator(s):
Wayne Truter/University of Pretoria
Monday13:30Novel Applications 2The Role of a Major Ash Producer in Ash R and DKelley Reynolds-Clausen
Richard Kruger
Monday14:00Novel Applications 2Determining the Suitability of A Fly Ash for Silica Extraction and ZeolitisationNatalia Moreno
Xavier Querol
Jose Andres
Angel Lopez-Soler
Kennet Stanton
Mark Towler
Henk Nugteren
Maria Janssen
Monday14:30Novel Applications 2To Be Arranged
Monday15:00Coffee Break
Bottom Ash and AggregatesModerator(s):
Milton Wu/Longing Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.
Monday15:30Bottom Ash and AggregatesIllinois PCC Dry Bottom Ash in Construction of Precast and Prestressed Concrete PilesSanjeev Kumar
Cesar Alarcon
Alyass Hosin
Monday16:00Bottom Ash and AggregatesMoisture-Density and Stiffness of Illinois Bottom Ash Modified with Sodium MontmorriloniteSanjeev Kumar
James Stewart
Monday16:30Bottom Ash and AggregatesVibracore Sampling in a Coal Ash PondRobert Jewell
Monday17:00Bottom Ash and AggregatesTo Be Arranged
Monday19:00Reception (East Hall)

Monday, 20 October Concurrent Session 3
Monday07:00Registration/Continental Breakfast
Welcoming Remarks - PlenaryModerator(s):
Ari Geertsema/
Monday08:00Welcoming Remarks - PlenaryWelcome - Dr. Ari Geertsema, Director, UK Ctr. For Applied Energy ResearchAri Geertsema
Monday08:05Welcoming Remarks - PlenaryWelcome - Dr. Lee Todd Jr., President of the University of KentuckyLee Todd
Monday08:15Welcoming Remarks - PlenaryWelcome - Ms. Teresa Isaac, Mayor of Lexington, KentuckyTeresa Isaac
Monday08:25Welcoming Remarks - PlenaryThe Barton A. Thomas Memorial Award - Dr. Tom Robl, Assoc. Director, UK Ctr. For Applied Energy ResearchThomas Robl
Keynote - PlenaryModerator(s):
Thomas Robl/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Monday08:30Keynote - PlenaryFly Ash in Concrete: What Do We Have to Do to Move Utilization Forward. A UK Perspective presented by Dr. M. R. Jones, Head of the Division of Civil Engineering and Reader in Concrete Technology at the University of Dundee, ScotlandM. Jones
Michael McCarthy
Aikaterini McCarthy
Monday09:15Keynote - PlenaryCoal as Key Energy Source - Dealing with its Byproducts as a National Issue presented by Mr. Kenneth E. Markel, Deputy Center Director of the Office of Major Demonstration Projects at the U. S. Dept. of Energy's National Energy Technology LaboratoryKenneth Markel
Monday10:00Coffee Break
Bulk 1Moderator(s):
Gary Brendel/GAI Consultants, Inc.
Kenneth Tapp/LG&E/KU Energy
Monday10:30Bulk 1Use of Coal Combustion Products (CCPs) and the Coal Combustion Products PartnershipThomas Jansen
Monday11:00Bulk 1Concrete Domes for Flyash StorageMike Hunter
Monday11:30Bulk 1Ash Utilisation - an Australian PerspectiveCraig Heidrich
Monday12:00Boral Material Technologies Lunch (East Hall)
Beneficiation 1Moderator(s):
Stephen Gasiorowski/Separation Technologies LLC
John Groppo/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Monday13:30Beneficiation 1Development of an Easy Quality Control Test for Monitoring Particle Sizes in a Fly Ash Plant during the Separation of Various Fractions of Fly AshJohannes Potgieter
Sanja Potgieter-Vermaak
Richard Kruger
Japie Kruger
Monday14:00Beneficiation 1Pneumatic Transport, Triboelectric Carbon/Ash Separation - Full Scale Installation #1Charles Lockert
Kevin Dunn
John Stencel
Monday14:30Beneficiation 1On Line Quality Control of Fly Ash According to the European StandardsHans Conrads
Herbert Prenzel
Monday15:00Coffee Break
Beneficiation 2Moderator(s):
Heng Ban/Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Utah State University
John Groppo/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Monday15:30Beneficiation 2A New Fly Ash Separator Combining Magnetic Forces with Air DragEdward Brandner
Robin Oder
Russell Jamison
Monday16:00Beneficiation 2Fly Ash Beneficiation at Jacksonville Electric St. Johns River Power Park: STI's Installation #5James Bittner
Stephen Gasiorowski
Frank Hrach
Monday16:30Beneficiation 2To Be Arranged
Monday17:00Beneficiation 2To Be Arranged
Monday19:00Reception (East Hall)

Monday, 20 October Concurrent Session 4
Monday07:00Registration/Continental Breakfast
Welcoming Remarks - PlenaryModerator(s):
Ari Geertsema/
Monday08:00Welcoming Remarks - PlenaryWelcome - Dr. Ari Geertsema, Director, UK Ctr. For Applied Energy ResearchAri Geertsema
Monday08:05Welcoming Remarks - PlenaryWelcome - Dr. Lee Todd Jr., President of the University of KentuckyLee Todd
Monday08:15Welcoming Remarks - PlenaryWelcome - Ms. Teresa Isaac, Mayor of Lexington, KentuckyTeresa Isaac
Monday08:25Welcoming Remarks - PlenaryThe Barton A. Thomas Memorial Award - Dr. Tom Robl, Assoc. Director, UK Ctr. For Applied Energy ResearchThomas Robl
Keynote - PlenaryModerator(s):
Thomas Robl/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Monday08:30Keynote - PlenaryFly Ash in Concrete: What Do We Have to Do to Move Utilization Forward. A UK Perspective presented by Dr. M. R. Jones, Head of the Division of Civil Engineering and Reader in Concrete Technology at the University of Dundee, ScotlandM. Jones
Michael McCarthy
Aikaterini McCarthy
Monday09:15Keynote - PlenaryCoal as Key Energy Source - Dealing with its Byproducts as a National Issue presented by Mr. Kenneth E. Markel, Deputy Center Director of the Office of Major Demonstration Projects at the U. S. Dept. of Energy's National Energy Technology LaboratoryKenneth Markel
Monday10:00Coffee Break
Environment 1Moderator(s):
Ann Kim/U. S. Dept. of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory
Keith Bargaheiser/Waste Management
Monday10:30Environment 1Modeling of Constantly Evolving CCP Management Options at a Coal Fired Power PlantTodd Stong
Ron Jorgenson
Russell Nelson
Tony Stroh
Monday11:00Environment 1Fly ash – a Potential Source of Soil Amendment and a Component of Integrated Plant Nutrient Supply SystemB. Mittra
Sambhunath Karmakar
D. Swain
Bijoy Ghosh
Monday11:30Environment 1Study of Succession Pattern in Ash DykesShikha Srivastava
Monday12:00Boral Material Technologies Lunch (East Hall)To Be Arranged
Environment 2Moderator(s):
Robert Rathbone/Boral Industries Inc.
Monday13:30Environment 2The Environmental Impacts of Using Fly Ash – the UK Producers PerspectiveLindon Sear
Andrew Weatherley
Andrew Dawson
Monday14:00Environment 2Use of Stabilized FGD Materials in the Construction of Low Permeability LinersWilliam Wolfe
Tarunjit Butalia
Harold Walker
E. Whitlatch
Monday14:30Environment 2Mixing Reservoir Sediment with Fly Ash to Make Bricks and Other ProductsYin-Sung Hsu
Bing-Jean Lee
Henry Liu
Monday15:00Coffee Break
Concrete 1Moderator(s):
Tarunjit Butalia/The Ohio State University
Monday15:30Concrete 1Use of High Volume Fly Ash Mixes in Preventing Corrosion in ConcreteKeith Bargaheiser
Tarunjit Butalia
Monday16:00Concrete 1Engineering Properties of Self-Cementing Fly Ash Subgrade MixturesZachary Thomas
David White
Monday16:30Concrete 1Properties and Utilization of Ash from Biomass and CoalBruce Dockter
Kurt Eylands
Monday17:00Concrete 1High-Carbon Fly Ash in Cement Manufacturing – A Long Term Commercial DemonstrationJaved Bhatty
John Gajda
F. Miller
Monday19:00Reception (East Hall)

Tuesday, 21 October Concurrent Session 1
Tuesday07:00Registration/Continental Breakfast
Government/Regulations Panel - PlenaryModerator(s):
Daniel Wheeler/Illinois Office of Coal Development
Tuesday08:00Government/Regulations Panel - PlenaryGovernment/Regulatory PanelKimery Vories
Daniel Wheeler
John Glenn
Lisa Evans
Tom Fitzgerald
James Roewer
Lynn Brickett
Gregory Conrad
Susan Ferguson
David Goss
Tuesday10:00Coffee Break
Hydrology/Leaching 1Moderator(s):
Lynn Brickett/Environmental and Climate Division, USDOE-NETL
Allan Kolker/U.S. Geological Survey Eastern Energy Resources Team
Tuesday10:30Hydrology/Leaching 1Leaching and XAFS Characterization of PM2.5 from Combustion of U.S. CoalsFrank Huggins
Gerald Huffman
C. Miller
William Linak
Tuesday11:00Hydrology/Leaching 1Leaching of Selected Constituents from Ammoniated Fly Ash from a Coal-Fired Power PlantIshwar Murarka
David Hassett
Debra Pflughoeft-Hassett
Loreal Heebink
Tuesday11:30Hydrology/Leaching 1Leaching Kinetics of Trace Elements for Ammoniated Coal AshHao Wang
Xinjun Teng
Jianmin Wang
Heng Ban
Tuesday12:00Lunch Break
Hydrology/Leaching 2Moderator(s):
Ann Kim/U. S. Dept. of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory
Tuesday13:30Hydrology/Leaching 2Metals in Leachates of Soil, Biosolids, and Fly AshAnthony Palumbo
L. Fisher
Jana Tarver
James Amonette
W. Daniels
Tuesday14:00Hydrology/Leaching 2Leaching and Attenuation of Boron and Arsenic from Coal Ash Used to Fill a Surface Coal Mine in IndianaIshwar Murarka
Richard Meiers
Tuesday14:30Hydrology/Leaching 2Comparative Characteristics of FGD Sulfate-Rich and Sulfite-Rich Scrubber MaterialVivak Malhotra
P. Valimbe
Francois Botha
Tuesday15:00Coffee Break
James Hower/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Tuesday17:30Buses leave for Reception
Tuesday18:00Reception (Labrot & Graham)

Tuesday, 21 October Concurrent Session 2
Tuesday07:00Registration/Continental Breakfast
Government/Regulations Panel - PlenaryModerator(s):
Daniel Wheeler/Illinois Office of Coal Development
Tuesday08:00Government/Regulations Panel - PlenaryGovernment/Regulatory PanelKimery Vories
Daniel Wheeler
John Glenn
Lisa Evans
Tom Fitzgerald
James Roewer
Lynn Brickett
Gregory Conrad
Susan Ferguson
David Goss
Tuesday10:00Coffee Break
Novel Applications 3Moderator(s):
Kelley Reynolds-Clausen/Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd
Tuesday10:30Novel Applications 3Effects of Synthetic Soil Containing Fluidized-Bed Combustion Coal Ash on Vadose-Zone Water Chemistry at a Reclaimed Coal-Processing Waste PileTracy Branam
Ronald Smith
Margaret Ennis
Jeffery Olyphant
John Comer
Tuesday11:00Novel Applications 3Fly Ash: A Potential Excellent Scrubber for Acidic Wastes in IsraelHaim Cohen
Tuesday11:30Novel Applications 3Synergetic Effect of Coal Flyash as a Scrubber to Acidic Wastes of the Phosphate Fertilizers IndustryHaim Cohen
Eli Lederman
Mike Werner
Ithamar Pelly
Mehmet Polat
Tuesday12:00Lunch Break
Francois Botha/Illinois Clean Coal Institute
John Groppo/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Tuesday13:30GasificationCondensing Species from Flue Gas in Puertollano Gasification Power Plant (Spain)Oriol Font
Xavier Querol
Feliciano Plana
Silvia Burgos
Francisco Pena
Tuesday14:00GasificationGe Extraction from Gasification Fly AshOriol Font
Xavier Querol
Angel Lopez-Soler
Jose Chimenos
Ana Fernandez
Silvia Burgos
Francisco Pena
Tuesday14:30GasificationSpeciation of Trace Elements in IGCC Fly AshOriol Font
Xavier Querol
Frank Huggins
Jose Chimenos
Ana Fernandez
Silvia Burgos
Francisco Pena
Tuesday15:00Coffee Break
James Hower/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Tuesday17:30Buses leave for Reception
Tuesday18:00Reception (Labrot & Graham)

Tuesday, 21 October Concurrent Session 3
Tuesday07:00Registration/Continental Breakfast
Government/Regulations Panel - PlenaryModerator(s):
Daniel Wheeler/Illinois Office of Coal Development
Tuesday08:00Government/Regulations Panel - PlenaryGovernment/Regulatory PanelKimery Vories
Daniel Wheeler
John Glenn
Lisa Evans
Tom Fitzgerald
James Roewer
Lynn Brickett
Gregory Conrad
Susan Ferguson
David Goss
Tuesday10:00Coffee Break
Bulk 2Moderator(s):
G. Craig Plunk/Boral Material Technologies, Inc.
Tuesday10:30Bulk 2Recent Experiences with Lime - Fly Ash Stabilization of Pavement Subgrade Soils, Base, and Recycled AsphaltJoel Beeghly
Tuesday11:00Bulk 2Manufacturing Commercial Bricks with Illinois Coal Fly Ash - a Program OverviewMei-In Chou
Francois Botha
Tuesday11:30Bulk 2Physic-Chemical Characteristics of European Pulverized Coal Combustion Fly AshesNatalia Moreno
Xavier Querol
Jose Andres
Kennet Stanton
Mark Towler
Henk Nugteren
Maria Janssen
M. Jones
Tuesday12:00Lunch Break
Bulk 3Moderator(s):
Donald Saylak/Texas A&M University
Tuesday13:30Bulk 3Base Stabilization and Dust Control Using Calcium Chloride and Fly AshDonald Saylak
Cindy Estakhri
Suren Mishra
Dongguen Sinn
Tuesday14:00Bulk 3Bottom Ash Use in Utility Joint Trench OperationDavid Beck
William Kraemer
Richard Mack
Tuesday14:30Bulk 3To Be Arranged
Tuesday15:00Coffee Break
James Hower/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Tuesday17:30Buses leave for Reception
Tuesday18:00Reception (Labrot & Graham)

Tuesday, 21 October Concurrent Session 4
Tuesday07:00Registration/Continental Breakfast
Government/Regulations Panel - PlenaryModerator(s):
Daniel Wheeler/Illinois Office of Coal Development
Tuesday08:00Government/Regulations Panel - PlenaryGovernment/Regulatory PanelKimery Vories
Daniel Wheeler
John Glenn
Lisa Evans
Tom Fitzgerald
James Roewer
Lynn Brickett
Gregory Conrad
Susan Ferguson
David Goss
Tuesday10:00Coffee Break
Concrete 2Moderator(s):
Dean Golden/Consultant
Tuesday10:30Concrete 2Durability of Low Cost High Performance Fly Ash ConcreteAires Camoes de Azevedo
Jose Aguiar
Sai Jalali
Tuesday11:00Concrete 2 Techniques for Measuring Ammonia in Fly Ash, Mortar, and ConcreteRobert Rathbone
Russ Majors
Tuesday11:30Concrete 2Optimizing Self Consolidating Concrete Mix Designs Utilizing Fly AshRodney Cunningham
Russell Hill
Tuesday12:00Lunch Break
Concrete 3Moderator(s):
M. Jones/University of Dundee
Tuesday13:30Concrete 3The Role of Active Carbon Particles in Fly Ash and The Use of Foam Index Analysis as a Predictive MethodRobert Bergman
Bruce Boggs
Tuesday14:00Concrete 3Evaluating Expansion Potential of CCBsDavid Hassett
Tuesday14:30Concrete 3Performance of Extruded Composite with High-Volume Class F Fly AshMichele Cyr
David Bonen
Surendra Shah
Tuesday15:00Coffee Break
James Hower/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Tuesday17:30Buses leave for Reception
Tuesday18:00Reception (Labrot & Graham)

Wednesday, 22 October Concurrent Session 1
Wednesday07:00Registration/Continental Breakfast
Mercury 1Moderator(s):
James Hower/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Rafic Minkara/Headwaters Construction Materials
Wednesday08:00Mercury 1Long-Term Mercury Release from CCBsDavid Hassett
Loreal Heebink
Wednesday08:30Mercury 1Release of Mercury to Air from Coal Fly AshMae Gustin
Kenneth Ladwig
Wednesday09:00Mercury 1Mercury Release from FGDLoreal Heebink
David Hassett
Wednesday09:30Mercury 1Thermal Stability of Mercury Captured By AshAurora Rubel
James Hower
Sarah Mardon
Roger Perrone
Wednesday10:00Coffee Break
Mercury 2Moderator(s):
James Hower/University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research
Wednesday10:30Mercury 2Characteristics of CCP’s from Kentucky Power Plants, with Emphasis on Mercury ContentJames Hower
Thomas Robl
Clair Anderson
Gerald Thomas
Tanaporn Sakulpitakphon
Sarah Mardon
W. Clark
Wednesday11:00Mercury 2"Airborne Process” – Advancement in Emissions Control Technology and By-product UtilizationDennis Johnson
Wednesday11:30Mercury 2Distribution of Mercury and Other Heavy Metals in Aqueous Solutions Associated with Ash Disposal Ponds at a Kentucky Utility PlantKevin Henke

Wednesday, 22 October Concurrent Session 2
Wednesday07:00Registration/Continental Breakfast
Concrete 4Moderator(s):
Russell Hill/Boral Material Technologies, Inc. Corp. Technology Development Group
Wednesday08:00Concrete 4Activation of Reactivity of Fly AshesCaijun Shi
Wednesday08:30Concrete 4A Chemical Approach to Reducing Variations in Fly Ash with Respect to Air Entrainment of ConcreteRussell Hill
Zhaozhou Zhang
Carmel Jolicoeur
Thi Cong To
Monique Page
Wednesday09:00Concrete 4Development of High Fly Ash Content Cements for Use in Concrete ConstructionMichael McCarthy
Ravindra Dhir
Wednesday09:30Concrete 4Effects of Mechano-chemical Activation on the Combination of Cement Kiln Dust and Fly AshJaesuk Ryou
Van Bui
Surendra Shah
Wednesday10:00Coffee Break
Concrete 5Moderator(s):
Keith Bargaheiser/Waste Management
Wednesday10:30Concrete 5Application of Fly Ash Carbon Treatment to Activated CarbonRussell Hill
Wednesday11:00Concrete 5Overview of Bottom Ash in AustraliaIan Boxall
Wednesday11:30Concrete 5To Be Arranged

Wednesday, 22 October Concurrent Session 3
Wednesday07:00Registration/Continental Breakfast
Environment 3Moderator(s):
David Goss/DC Goss LLC
Wednesday08:00Environment 3Utilization of South African Fly Ash to Treat Acid Coal Mine Drainage, and High Quality Zeolite Synthesis from the Solids ProducedLeslie Petrik
Richard White
Michael Klink
Vernon Somerset
Colleen Burgers
Martin Fey
Wednesday08:30Environment 3Coal Combustion Waste Mine Filling: An Environmental PerspectiveJeffrey Stant
Wednesday09:00Environment 3Placement of Coal Combustion By-Products (CCBs) at Coal Mine Sites: a Combined OSM/EPA PerspectiveKimery Vories
Andrew Wittner
Wednesday09:30Environment 3The Influence of SLASH and Fly Ash on Plant Production and Soil Chemical Properties of Acidic and Infertile SoilsWayne Truter
Norman Rethman
Richard Kruger
Kelley Reynolds-Clausen
Wednesday10:00Coffee Break
Environment 4Moderator(s):
Rafic Minkara/Headwaters Construction Materials
Wednesday10:30Environment 4Application of Zeolitised Coal Fly Ashes to The Depuration of Liquid WastesEmilia Salaveri
Luis Arenas
Natalia Moreno
Xavier Querol
Jose Parapar
Constantino Fernandez-Pereira
Wednesday11:00Environment 4Cementation and Stability of CCP Grouts for Environmental Remediation Projects in MarylandRaymond Hemmings
Paul Petzrick
Wednesday11:30Environment 4Augmenting Holding Basins with Relatively Low-Permeability Liner SystemsJohn Hull
Joseph Jersak
Rafic Minkara

Wednesday, 22 October Concurrent Session 4
Wednesday07:00Registration/Continental Breakfast
CUBs and Sustainable DevelopmentModerator(s):
Mercedes Maroto-Valer/Heriot-Watt University Centre for Innovation on Carbon Capture and Storage (CICCS)
Debra Pflughoeft-Hassett/Gypsum Parameters
Wednesday08:00CUBs and Sustainable DevelopmentDevelopment of Activated Carbons from Unburned Carbon for Mercury CaptureMercedes Maroto-Valer
Yinzhi Zhang
Zhe Lu
Evan Granite
Henry Pennline
Wednesday08:30CUBs and Sustainable DevelopmentThe Fate of Ammonia and Mercury in the Carbon Burn-Out (CBO™) ProcessVincent Giampa-x
Wednesday09:00CUBs and Sustainable DevelopmentUsing Unburned Carbon Derived Sorbents for CO2 CaptureMercedes Maroto-Valer
Zhe Lu
Yinzhi Zhang
John Andresen
Wednesday09:30CUBs and Sustainable DevelopmentEnhancement of Soil Carbon Sequestration by Amendment with Fly AshJames Amonette
Jungbae Kim
Colleen Russell
Anthony Palumbo
W. Daniels
Wednesday10:00Coffee Break
Hydrology/Leaching 3Moderator(s):
Francois Botha/Illinois Clean Coal Institute
Wednesday10:30Hydrology/Leaching 3Fluid Extraction of Metals from PC Fly AshAnn Kim
George Kazonich
Wednesday11:00Hydrology/Leaching 3Ash Surface Characteristics for Metal AdsorptionXinjun Teng
Hao Wang
Jianmin Wang
Heng Ban
Wednesday11:30Hydrology/Leaching 3Leaching of CCBs: Observations from Over 25 Years of ResearchDavid Hassett
Debra Pflughoeft-Hassett
Loreal Heebink